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  1. D

    Fuel type related to misfire?

    Thank you all of you for your help and suggestions. I'll read through the stickies and see what I can uncover there and after doing some work on the car, I'll let you know what I end up with.
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    Fuel type related to misfire?

    I haven't been involved with this vehicle long enough to know what common issues are. Could you please elaborate on what you mean by the standard LS issue?
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    Fuel type related to misfire?

    I've owned my 2001 LS v8 since the beginning of summer and have just recently learned I should be using premium fuel in this engine. I've previously been using regular unleaded. The engine light has been on since the coolant hose blew off due to rotted plastic. I have the cooling system repaired...
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    Help with installing an electric cooling fan in 1st gen LS

    I haven't found any threads that go into detail showing exactly what needs to be done. As I stated earlier, every thread I've read (and I've read quite a few by now) go off on a tangent very quickly arguing about whether or not the factory alt can handle the added load of the electric fan or...
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    Help with installing an electric cooling fan in 1st gen LS

    I've determined the hydraulic system for the cooling fan is not working properly and instead of shelling out the >$500 I don't have to get it replaced, I want to switch over to using an electric fan. There are plenty of threads in which people discuss this, but they quickly turn into discussions...
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    Converting the hydraulic cooling system to electric? 01 Lincoln LS

    It seems I should have done some searching on the topic before jumping into making a new thread! :D Thanks, joegr!
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    Converting the hydraulic cooling system to electric? 01 Lincoln LS

    Hey everyone! I just bought an 01 LS v8 and I'm having overheating problems. No problems at high speeds on the highway, but when I'm doing stop and go stuff through town with the A/C on, the engine gets too hot and, if unchecked, the safeguards will kick in. I can turn off the A/C and continue...