Converting the hydraulic cooling system to electric? 01 Lincoln LS


New LVC Member
Jun 7, 2015
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Hey everyone! I just bought an 01 LS v8 and I'm having overheating problems. No problems at high speeds on the highway, but when I'm doing stop and go stuff through town with the A/C on, the engine gets too hot and, if unchecked, the safeguards will kick in. I can turn off the A/C and continue driving and the temp stabilizes in a good zone, but as soon as I get the A/C on again it starts rising. From other threads I've read, this is a fairly common problem with this engine. The following link is a thread that discusses the exact same problem I have...

As stated somewhere in that thread, the 01 LS uses a hydraulic system to run the fan. And what the OP, nightriddah, describes in his is the same as mine - the fan runs, but just not fast enough to cool the engine effectively when idling through town. And the solution given there was to do a very expensive job replacing the pump and/or motor.

So here's my question: is the any way to convert the hydraulic system in this one to the electric system the later LS models use? I believe in 03 Lincoln did away with the hydraulic stuff and went to using an electric system.
It seems I should have done some searching on the topic before jumping into making a new thread! :D Thanks, joegr!

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