00 LS 3.0 5spd - Buck/Jerk - Only When Driving in Snow Dust/Powder

I appreciate the info, sir. I had done some research and it eluded to the sensors but you're right, others who commented on the articles/forums I searched continually said DCCV. I was not convinced as I installed a new Ford one a few years back to correct the symptom and it didn't fix it so I dealt with it. At the time it was full hot or full cold (AC) and nothing in between. Now, I seemed to have lost all cooling and compressor is running & charge is full. With the loss of AC, decided I'd better go after it. :)

I'll give your idea a go and will report back results. Thanks much!
Also run the DATC diagnostic and make sure your cold-air-bypass door isn't stuck. (Gen II does not have this door, but gen I should.)
joegr, I have run the diagnostic on it and heard a bunch of open and closing sounds under the dash, All numbers climbed and listed normal without any error codes. Now whether or not the bypass door opened in all of that I'm not sure but if it didn't, would it have set a code?
joegr, I have run the diagnostic on it and heard a bunch of open and closing sounds under the dash, All numbers climbed and listed normal without any error codes. Now whether or not the bypass door opened in all of that I'm not sure but if it didn't, would it have set a code?

It should have.

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