01 LS for Sale - $2,000 (Needs Timing Chain Tensioner)


LVC Member
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
2001 Lincoln LS - 99,400 miles
Silver with Grey Leather intererior
25% Tint

Location: North Carolina
I would but I would rather get rid of the whole thing at one time. Because its a nice car but I just dont have the time for the repair and I want something new. It will be great car for someone that has the time to repair the car because it runs great
yeah you could part it out for a good amount

anything aftermarket on it?
I might buy it and fix it. Gotta check on the money situation.
Aren't the tensioners easy? Front cover doesn't have to come off for that, does it?

I mean, it's not like changing the entire timing chain...
Aren't the tensioners easy? Front cover doesn't have to come off for that, does it?

I mean, it's not like changing the entire timing chain...

The secondaries you MIGHT be able to get with the valve cover off.
If you are going to change 1 tensioner then you might as well change everything.

What makes you think it is just a bad tensioner? Does the car run right now?
its easier to drop a used motor in than fix that. used motors with under 99k on them run about $800-$1000. car-parts.com, their easy to swap id buy if you were close to me in st louis
Car runs and drives, its misfiring on cylinders 1-4 and running lean, and making a ticking/knocking sound rite near the timing chain cover on the passenger side. the dealership said its more than likely the timing chain after not finding anything else wrong.
Car runs and drives, its misfiring on cylinders 1-4 and running lean, and making a ticking/knocking sound rite near the timing chain cover on the passenger side. the dealership said its more than likely the timing chain after not finding anything else wrong.

"......more than likely..."???? I love dealerships.:D
$2500 to change out just 1 tensioner? I would bring it to another shop because that is under $200 will parts and that's including all the seals if you have to pull the timing case off. I just replaced my whole timing assembly for alittle over $1000 and that was all the chains, tensioners, guides, gaskets, and a new coolant pipe. Good Luck with the sell but I would just fix it and keep it. If you replace everything it will be like a new motor. The LS usually doesn't have bottom end problems there problems usually come from the timing assembly.
do you still have the lincoln and what part of nc are you in,also would you be interested in doing some trading

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