02 LSE V8 - Hard start - fuel smell - running rich ?

i just think its funny when you have members with a few thousand posts complain abt a few posts from new ppl.. bc they had to post to complain.. then you check their past 30 posts and theres like 4 useful and on-topic posts & then 26 useless 'joke' posts...

while i understand the need for ppl to search, YOU CANT RIB THIS OP... he asked a valid, new, and unique question and got a 'marginal' response from joedrt... coils first is not the 'hands down' 'clear as day' right answer here. not that it isnt good free advice... its just that the grills and little rigs of the world jumped the gun with the unneccessary crap-posts.

OP basically said the hard start when warm <only> is the main symptom... that shouldnt send you straight to coils. he might be able to drag another yr out of his coils for all anyone knows... hard to believe there is even an argument here, but then again it is the usual suspects... yall should apologize.
Hey, It is what it is... Hope the OP the best. This argument is as relevant as this thread... The joke was just a joke. My later comments are merely an attempt to preserve the greatness this forum use to have. Now its just the same coil and overheating question day in and day out. probably happens to all aging car threads. Jrand, I made no comment to post count, only member start date, because WHEN I started this thread would have been smashed from post two! ... you were forced to read and learn because there were fewer repetitive threads....BUT no one does that anymore and we're filled with the same non-sense now. If I understand the OP's comments, he stating If we would just take the time and answer it correctly, there would be nothing but useful info here... But thats asking the same members day in and day out to answer the SAME question perfectly each day and every day!.. (Lucky for you Joe still does, until they turn him off .....he's not human BTW)

Either way its a snowball thats not going to stop now. This argument has happened 100 times before, most on one side disagree with "me", spend a couple years here, then tend to agree. (some don't).. either way it doesn't matter.

This thread will now be added to the 1000 others on why their car misfires.
Really, you just can't win here...
Answer the same question with the same answer from a hundred times before, and the OP just comes back with the same followup questions and the same "no, I don't believe you" stuff.
Answer with a link to the same question and responses from one of the hundred times before, and there are still complaints.
Answer with a search link that shows them how to search this forum for this and future questions, and they complain because they have a hand full of threads to read through to get to their answer.
Look, I don't mean to start a **** storm of pointless & worthless threads that I've already TRIED to search thru but when answers become derogatory & meaningless is where I get offended. I get it, about the only thing that gets questioned about the LS is why is it running rough and/or overheating ? I have neither of these symptoms so breaking down reasonable responses from seasoned members is completely appreciated. To hear someone tell me I'm better off scrapping it, that f*****g pissed me off. Opinions are like *******s, everyone has one some just stink more than others.
So to those who have been helpful, thank you !
Really, you just can't win here...
Answer the same question with the same answer from a hundred times before, and the OP just comes back with the same followup questions and the same "no, I don't believe you" stuff.
Answer with a link to the same question and responses from one of the hundred times before, and there are still complaints.
Answer with a search link that shows them how to search this forum for this and future questions, and they complain because they have a hand full of threads to read through to get to their answer.
OP didnt start btching first... the grills and little rigs took the last sentence of your first response and blew it clear out of proportion..
you cant roll the OP in with all of the other 'fly by night', 'my car is broke help me now please' ppl on here bc his issue isnt a clean-cut coil diagnosis. he maybe has coils that are on their last legs but he has something else too. like i said, kinda funny that ppl btch abt too many threads in a unique thread, then clog the unique thread by trying to defend their own improper actions... 'the pot calling the kettle black' or in this case 'the grills and little rigs calling the kettle black'

but anyways, whats the deal with it OP?
OP didnt start btching first... the grills and little rigs took the last sentence of your first response and blew it clear out of proportion..
you cant roll the OP in with all of the other 'fly by night', 'my car is broke help me now please' ppl on here bc his issue isnt a clean-cut coil diagnosis. he maybe has coils that are on their last legs but he has something else too. like i said, kinda funny that ppl btch abt too many threads in a unique thread, then clog the unique thread by trying to defend their own improper actions... 'the pot calling the kettle black' or in this case 'the grills and little rigs calling the kettle black'

but anyways, whats the deal with it OP?

Mainly at warm start, it has an unusually long crank before it starts, almost as if too much fuel is getting dumped into cylinders. Now it sounds like a coil issue but I'm not convinced. It runs fine once it starts & no other run issues. I don't know service history & haven't looked at coils visually. A new fuel filter wouldn't hurt so that's a start. I run premium fuel as recommended & full synthetic oil.
Car has sat for more than a year if that could be a contributing factor ( ? ). No CEL or service lights are on.
gotcha. i was mainly asking if you had an update on it
The person I bought it from thinks it's got a fuel pressure leak somewhere in system ( ? )
The person I bought it from thinks it's got a fuel pressure leak somewhere in system ( ? )

do you have fuel spraying/leaking anywhere? if not I highly doubt that you have a pressurized fuel leak somewhere. those are kinda the easiest thing in the world to find, and with the kind of pressure the fuel pump kicks out, it should pretty much be spraying fuel all the time while running.
do you have fuel spraying/leaking anywhere? if not I highly doubt that you have a pressurized fuel leak somewhere. those are kinda the easiest thing in the world to find, and with the kind of pressure the fuel pump kicks out, it should pretty much be spraying fuel all the time while running.

Sorry not a leak but a problem with pressure i.e. clogged fuel filter causing excessive fuel to dump. No leaks anywhere, oil or any other fluids.
start with a fresh fuel filter and then you can test fuel pressure under the hood to make sure its where it should be.
Tell me this, have you at least done anything at all about having a look at replacing all your COILS & PLUGS?
as advised to you nearly a week ago?

What have you done so far from the advise you were given or could have found on this site so far?

Your dumping raw fuel into your expensive CATS at this particular time because it's simply MISFIRING like all the other threads and LS'es on this "peanut gallery" forum.

Rather then bitching perhaps you should get to fixing.

First, to the OP, good luck on getting your problem fixed. Without pointing any fingers, I've found that some here take comfort in being able to talk down to others. It would seem to me that it's simplest to just move on without joining the discussion if the question is likely to ruffle your feathers.

Not all think that way.

Several years ago I found a small leak at one end of the hose that connects one fuel rail to the other. I replaced the hose and used worm-drive clamps at both ends. That stopped the gas odor. The leak was small enough that I never did see any wetness anywhere.

An injector leaking down could cause your start problem. Fuel pressure will creep up for a time after the engine's shut off. I'd guess it's due to gas expansion from the heat-soak from the hot engine.

First, to the OP, good luck on getting your problem fixed. Without pointing any fingers, I've found that some here take comfort in being able to talk down to others. It would seem to me that it's simplest to just move on without joining the discussion if the question is likely to ruffle your feathers.

Not all think that way.

Several years ago I found a small leak at one end of the hose that connects one fuel rail to the other. I replaced the hose and used worm-drive clamps at both ends. That stopped the gas odor. The leak was small enough that I never did see any wetness anywhere.

An injector leaking down could cause your start problem. Fuel pressure will creep up for a time after the engine's shut off. I'd guess it's due to gas expansion from the heat-soak from the hot engine.


Much thanks, I'll check that out.
Much thanks, I'll check that out.

Let me assure you my comment on scrapping was purely facetious.
reflective of others comments that were serious and degrading.
best of luck with the problem i don't know enough to be of help.
please post anything you find.

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