Toying with the idea. Pittsburg would be central for us if you are willing to meet. Scratch that for a moment!!!
You still have the same issue,,, even with different rims??? It's been mentioned many times on this forum,,, that the tires need to be "road force balanced". If the tire place you went to,,, doesn't have that machine... you are fighting a losing battle.
Try a local Ford dealer,,, and ask if they can road force balance the rim and tire assembly. It does make a difference. Maybe also ask them to inspect the suspension. Could be minimal "slop" somewhere causing the vibration.
Even threads on here, (somewhere), where people did the RFB... and half way throught the wear of the tire,,, the vibration came back. Tires are supposed to be rotated every 5000 miles. I alternate "cross rotation" with front to back rotation... in an attempt to keep the tires wearing evenly. So far... I have gone at LEAST the rated milage rating on the tires,,, if not longer.
Is the vibration in the steering wheel,,, or your butt??? Location determines where the issue is. Front or rear, (no pun intended).