In post #91, you decietfully try to broaden the scope and reframe the debate. Sorry you are not allowed to do that. It is dishonest and unjustified.
Classic circular... Why aren't I allowed to broaden the argument? I wasn't broadening in this case anyway - I was showing you who liberal constituents are really made of. You continued to place them so far left that they all would be members of NOW - and I was showing how that statement just couldn't be true
This is the question...So, since you avoided this by finding something to contest – how do you believe the ‘norm’ of society as a whole views this subject?The quote you cite was in response to asking something that is ultimately irrelevant to the discussion, unless you are trying to change direction in some fashion.
How is that irrelevant to this discussion?
That question was on topic - how do you believe the 'norm' of society views abortion? I can't imagine a question that is more 'on topic.'When you start asking questions that aren't really on topic
And how society views this subject is very relevant - how isn't it?
And I was showing you examples - I know you have friends who are liberal, everyone does, unless they live in a fairy tale land only inhabited by like thinkers. I was showing you, as well as everyone who reads this, that they obviously know liberals, and they aren't the way you keep painting them shag. But, continue to do so- it shows how the right continues to separate themselves from everyday America.By I am not simply "stating that and stating that". I have provided examples, including the effective head of the party; Barak Obama who are radical on this and try to misrepresent their record.
Yes, I was asking for an observation on your part - how you view the world. People who are placed on either extreme of the political spectrum have a tendency to 'lump' the entire opposing side. It is a type of prejudice. In your case you seem to think if someone is liberal that they must (or mostly) follow certain stereotypes. However it is usually only the extremes on either side that conform to stereotypes.Weather or not I am "extreme right" doesn't say anything about weather or not my point is accurate.
Not only do I attack what you say - I also don't have to do with the included name calling. I haven't called you 'childish' or 'rude and insulting'. However I find it rather telling of you that you had to place quotes around those to imply that perhaps I called you those things. Don't do that shag. I don't call you any of those things.Weather or not I am being in some way "childish" or "rude and insulting" or whatever, is irrelevant. What matters is that what I say is accurate. You aren't attacking the accuracy of what I say, you are attacking the manner in which I say it.
However I do believe you are quite quick to label me as childish (heck in post 108 you got to do it twice).
And just because you disagree with them doesn't make them "radical". You would do well to keep that in mind.
Radical - Noun - a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles, an extremist (
I think both sides have people who fit that description. It isn't because I disagree with them shag - it is because they fit the classic description of the word, a person who holds or follows strong convictions, or someone who is extreme.
So, you want a list of liberals - I am not sure what you want here shag. I can give you list and lists of people in political office, in the public eye, dead people who are liberal who are not radical. That is an exercise of silliness. You could compile lists of people who are on the left who are radical. Then I would demand lists of right leaners that are 'normal' and then I could counter with lists of people on the right who are radical.You keep trying to prove that one side isn't dominated by radicals so the other side must not be either. That is a non sequiter. Weather or not one side is or isn't dominated by radical is irrelevant to weather the other side is or isn't dominated by radicals.
So, what do you want here shag? Tell me. Examples are really the only way to look at this, and as I said it just gets silly.
No, once again you are putting words in 'my mouth.' Don't do that Shag. I never said you were petty or immature - those are your words.Yep. I'm just being petty and immature, so my argument should be rejected because of that.
I said that you were quick to place blame because of the current leanings of society are moving away from an abortion ban, and a definition of life beginning at conception.
That is the problem. The right wants to have that discussion and debate in society and ultimately let society determine things. The left is working to circumvent the will of society and impose their will on society. It is they way the Democrat party works.
And the debate is happening, in almost every session congress, at both the federal and state levels, anti-abortion laws come up, they are debated and more often than not defeated. On almost every major state election these types of issues are placed on the ballot, and they go down to defeat, by the people. The debate is occurring constantly, just because you don't like the outcome doesn't mean that this subject is going down quietly... The NRL is very vocal and very good at getting their agenda placed before the people. And, neither side can circumvent if they are active in the discussion. This isn't being swept under the rug, and this issue isn't going away soon.
They have and you aren't.And if liberals want to start getting rid of constitutional rights, I will be all over them.
So, shag, how do you know this - do you review my mail, do you check my phone messages - wow, I am impressed.
Do you want to see the copies of the letter I sent David Scott and Randy Forbes regarding HR45. And yes, I mail them. I happen to know that a priority letter gets noticed on the hill. Far more clout than an email. Did you know they weigh how things are delivered? Lowest - email - highest US mail, it costs the sender money to send it, they must be serious. Telegraphs used to be on the top of the heap, but, no one uses that anymore.
So any right is absolute and it cannot even be taken away with due process. Justice be damned. Weather you realize it or not, that is what you just justified.
No right is absolute and any right can be taken away through due process. That is the point of having a court system; to impose impartial justice. If a "right to life" cannot be taken away in certian instances given certian actions, then no right can be taken away.
No right in the constitution is absolute. Any and all rights can be taken away through due process, per the constitution. So you are cherry picking the right to life as an absolute here and effectively rejecting justice in regards to it.
No I am not saying that shag - you are responding here to my comment saying that although I support the death penalty, I don't try to hide from the fact that when we evoke it we are taking a human life.
I am showing that I don't think rights are absolute if I state I am for the death penalty. I don't get where you have come up with this whole little mischaracterization this time shag. Did you not read the part where I stated I was for the death penalty?
It is not a simple catagorization or an arbitrary line by the right (as you imply). That line is justifed by the whole concept of justice, to reject that line out of hand is to reject justice (at least in certian instances).
However the line you draw in the reverse (death penalty "OK"/ right to life in the womb "not OK") is rather arbitrary.
Not arbitrary shag, you sort of missed the fact that rights in this country don't start until birth... not conception. As stated in the constitution. And rights can be removed according to 'due process'. So, the death sentence isn't against the constitution, just as an unborn fetus doesn't have any rights, according to the constitution.
Same thing when it comes to "substantive rights" including a "right to choose". Unless you can simply get activist courts to rewrite the constitution for you.
The right wants to have that vote by society (in the form of an amendment process), the left has worked for longer then I have been alive to avoid that vote.
So, once again, if the people wanted it, it would be an amendment. This is a democracy shag, and of course there are people working against it - that is what you do in a democracy. You usually have 2 sides working for and against issues.
But, in this case:
One - the right just hasn't worked hard enough or
Two - the people just don't want this amendment.
I think it is two, it sure seems like the right works really hard at this.