15,000 Mobile 1 Syntech Oil


LVC Member
Apr 16, 2004
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I just put the new mobile 15,000 syntech oil in the DTS plus some Lucas oil...so far it is rrunning like a gem... Mobile say's this oil should last for 15,000 miles I paid 6 dollars per bottle I want to see if it works.... any thoughts? :dj:
MrEvil said:
I just put the new mobile 15,000 syntech oil in the DTS plus some Lucas oil...so far it is rrunning like a gem... Mobile say's this oil should last for 15,000 miles I paid 6 dollars per bottle I want to see if it works.... any thoughts? :dj:

where do you find a filter that can last 15,000?
According to a Cadillac engineer who goes by the name bbobynski, synthetic oil does not offer any more advantages than conventional oil except under extreme cold or heat conditions. Today's additive packages in conventional oil will protect your engine just as well and without the expense. Moreover, Northstar engines burn oil, at least mine does, and I would not want to buy additional $6 per quart oil to replace the typical 2-3 quart replacement over 5-6,000 miles. Further, synthetic oil will tend to burn faster than conventional oil. Thus, you may find that you need to refill more often. Also, your Cadillac’s Oil Life Indicator will likely prompt you to change the oil in less than 15,000. It is recommended that you change according to the indicator as is uses a sophisticate algorithm to detect when oil should be change. However, it could be that the algorithm is geared towards conventional oil. You may want to contact Cadillac and ask what they think about Mobile1 and the Oil Life Indicator. Regarding oil filters, I checked Mobil1's Web site and it states that using an oil filter for 15,000 miles is fine. That's news to me as to my recollection filter manufacturers such as Purolator (if I remember correctly) gives a maximum of 6,000 miles on its filters.

Sorry to be negative here, but from everything that I have read regarding synthetic oil I don’t know of any reason why I should spend the money if there is no benefit. Sure, Mobil uses a lot of hype about how wonderful it’s new and improved oil is, but that’s marketing. Show me proof and a cost/benefit ratio that says Mobil1 is worth it and I’ll change my opinion.
I agree. I use conventional Valvoline 10-30 with Lucas and WIX filter. I try to change within 5k

210,000 Mi no engine trouble what so ever. Every car Ive owned I used the same products and all of them have been well over 200k My 78' Coupe was over 300k when it was damaged in a flood

MAC1 said:
According to a Cadillac engineer who goes by the name bbobynski, synthetic oil does not offer any more advantages than conventional oil except under extreme cold or heat conditions. Today's additive packages in conventional oil will protect your engine just as well and without the expense. Moreover, Northstar engines burn oil, at least mine does, and I would not want to buy additional $6 per quart oil to replace the typical 2-3 quart replacement over 5-6,000 miles. Further, synthetic oil will tend to burn faster than conventional oil. Thus, you may find that you need to refill more often. Also, your Cadillac’s Oil Life Indicator will likely prompt you to change the oil in less than 15,000. It is recommended that you change according to the indicator as is uses a sophisticate algorithm to detect when oil should be change. However, it could be that the algorithm is geared towards conventional oil. You may want to contact Cadillac and ask what they think about Mobile1 and the Oil Life Indicator. Regarding oil filters, I checked Mobil1's Web site and it states that using an oil filter for 15,000 miles is fine. That's news to me as to my recollection filter manufacturers such as Purolator (if I remember correctly) gives a maximum of 6,000 miles on its filters.

Sorry to be negative here, but from everything that I have read regarding synthetic oil I don’t know of any reason why I should spend the money if there is no benefit. Sure, Mobil uses a lot of hype about how wonderful it’s new and improved oil is, but that’s marketing. Show me proof and a cost/benefit ratio that says Mobil1 is worth it and I’ll change my opinion.
FYI - most highend manufacturers (BMW, Merc, Porshe, Lincoln) all use fully synthetic oil now - come right from the factory that way.

I am shock anyone would disagree with the merits of using synthetic oil nowadays - it not some new trend, it's been proven for a while.

Now the benefits of a 15,000 mile oil.... not sure if you have to change the filter every 5,000 still or not.
Quik LS said:
FYI - most highend manufacturers (BMW, Merc, Porshe, Lincoln) all use fully synthetic oil now - come right from the factory that way.

I am shock anyone would disagree with the merits of using synthetic oil nowadays - it not some new trend, it's been proven for a while.

Now the benefits of a 15,000 mile oil.... not sure if you have to change the filter every 5,000 still or not.

What's been "proven"? If you know of data supporting your view that synthetic oil has been “proven”, please post it. In fact, Consumer Reports published an article in July 1996 entitled “The Surprising Truth About Motor Oils” wherein it tested many different brands of conventional and synthetic oils, including Mobile1 in New York taxis for 22 months and 60,000 miles. Afterwards the engines were disassembled and studied to determine what differences, if any, in wear based on the use of certain brands of oils in certain engines. The data showed “no brand-not even the expensive synthetics-to be meaningfully better or worse in our tests.” In other words, the synthetics did not outperform the conventional oils. Below is a link to that report:


Again, my opinion was also based on the view of a Cadillac drive train engineer who has also stated that there are no significant advantages to using synthetics except in extreme cold or heat environments.

Don’t be fooled by the marketing tactics of Mobile or any synthetic oil manufacturer. Nonetheless, synthetic may provide advantages when breaking in an engine because of its resistance to heat. Perhaps this is why it is being used in some factory new cars. However, it is yet to be proven that synthetic oils are so superior to conventional oils that there is a favorable cost/benefit ratio to using synthetic. Also, don't discount the possibility that factories may have a marketing deal with Mobile to encourage use of synthetic.
like I said - most high-end vehicile already come from the factory with synthetic oil.




All of the oils above meet current SG/CD ratings and all vehicle manufacture's warranty requirements in the proper viscosity. All are "good enough", but those with the better numbers are icing on the cake. The synthetics offer the only truly significant differences, due to their superior high temperature oxidation resistance, high film strength, very low tendancy to form deposits, stable viscosity base, and low temperature flow characteristics. Synthetics are superior lubricants compared to traditional petroleum oils. You will have to decide if their high cost is justifed in your application.

I can believe anyone would dispute the synthetic oil is a better oil than traditional petroleum base oil - but if your asking about VALUE - then that's a personal decision. The 6 quarts my LS takes so the couple of extra dollars on each oil change is worth the extra protection.
I think synthetics are supposed to be able to endure higher temp before viscosity breakdown and stay closer to the rated viscosity in extreme cold. But unless you live in the desert, who cares. I did see a test done years ago that showed me that Valvoline and Castrol GTX were the best conventional oil at enduring the same conditions.

Now if toy live in Alaska or the Mojave desert they you may want to spend the extra cash on Synthetic oils. I would also like to see any data proving something different.
Quik LS,

I have already stipulated that synthetics have better cold and heat characteristics. However, from a practical standpoint these superior characteristics, however slight, do not convince me that synthetics are overall superior when it comes to protecting engines from wear and tear. You can provide 1,000 links to studies and information showing that synthetics have certain superior characteristics, however, what are the practical applications. As the Consumer Reports study shows, synthetics do not better protect engines from wear than conventional oils regardless of certain superior characteristics. Therefore, what are the practical benefits of using synthetic oil? Considering the clearly superior cost of synthetic certainly that extra cost should equate to less engine repairs. In fact, to the contrary the Consumer Reports study showed that synthetics did not provide better wear protection. So, again, there is no favorable cost/benefit ratio to using synthetic oil.
So why does Corvette, Mercedes, BMW, Porshe, Lincoln all use it then?

Again - a value decision - not one of better oil.
Call them up and find out. I doubt that you will get the truth, but you can try.

Just because Corvette, Mercedes, etc. uses synthetic doesn't make it superior. Again, it could simply be a marketing tactic with Mobile to encourage use of its synthetic oil. Could you imagine if everyone started using synthetic oil how much money Mobile and other synthetic manufacturers would stand to gain.
MAC1 said:
Call them up and find out. I doubt that you will get the truth, but you could try.

Just because Corvette, Mercedes, etc. uses synthetic doesn't make it superior. Again, it could simply be a marketing tactic with Mobile to encourage use of its synthetic oil. Could you imagine if everyone started using synthetic oil how much money Mobile and other synthetic manufacturers would stand to gain.

almost every brand now makes a full syn or a blend. It's been almost 10yrs since that consumer report article, engines have come a long way in the past 10yrs.

especially in tolerances and rmp capabilities.

almost all oil on the shelf 'meets' the minimum manufacturers requirements - as codewize said in his post "I did see a test done years ago that showed me that Valvoline and Castrol GTX were the best" - but who cares if they all meet the manufacturers requirement - why don't we just buy the cheapest stuff out there?

Again, a personal decision on how much it's worth for the 'better' stuff

maybe it is a well orchestated conspiracy between Mobil 1 and the car manufacturers - they get their Mobil 1 for free and all of us dopes that buy the cars with Mobil 1 in it, read that it is the manufacturer recommended oil - will just continue to throw our money away....
True, engines have come a long way. But so has conventional oils. On the other hand, if you read Mobile1's Web site (link below) you will see the only difference between the original Mobile1, which is at least 25 years old, and the new stuff is "36 percent more anti-wear additives and 37 percent more cleaning agents than current Mobil 1 formulations." In other words, Mobile1 Extended Performance has an enhanced formulation, which is supposed to be better than the original. The fact is that conventional oil does not wear out, rather the additives are depleted over time and the oil gets contaminated. Many years ago, probably before you were born, to my recollection Mobile1 was advertised to go 25,000 miles between changes, but it eventually dropped that nonsensical claim. Now Mobile1 is back with the same old, same old. Again, there is no practical benefit of using Mobile1 v. conventional. The only benefit to using Mobile’s Extended Performance is longer change intervals, not less wear. The bottom line, Mobile1 wastes the bottom line--money.


MrEvil said:
I just put the new mobile 15,000 syntech oil in the DTS plus some Lucas oil...so far it is rrunning like a gem... Mobile say's this oil should last for 15,000 miles I paid 6 dollars per bottle I want to see if it works.... any thoughts? :dj:

Where do you buy your oil at? It's alot cheaper at Wal mart. I use mobil one but still change my oil every 5000 miles. Every 20,000 miles I treat it with a quart of Slick Fifty. She runs fine and never uses any oil. :L
MAC1 said:
Quik LS,

I have already stipulated that synthetics have better cold and heat characteristics. However, from a practical standpoint these superior characteristics, however slight, do not convince me that synthetics are overall superior when it comes to protecting engines from wear and tear. You can provide 1,000 links to studies and information showing that synthetics have certain superior characteristics, however, what are the practical applications. As the Consumer Reports study shows, synthetics do not better protect engines from wear than conventional oils regardless of certain superior characteristics. Therefore, what are the practical benefits of using synthetic oil? Considering the clearly superior cost of synthetic certainly that extra cost should equate to less engine repairs. In fact, to the contrary the Consumer Reports study showed that synthetics did not provide better wear protection. So, again, there is no favorable cost/benefit ratio to using synthetic oil.

Well I live in the subtropic belt and often find myself in grid lock when daily temps are in the avg of 95 with feels like factor in the 100s. It is worth it to me knowing that my motor oil isnt suddenly going to thermally degerate into uselessness.
first off not putting anyone down here
but i have heard everyone i know tellme that they get nothing but trouble from lucas in the enginthat stuff is so dam thick mand think about it guys
and also
a mercedes youses
Mobil one Full synthetic
that is there standard oil and they yous a monil on synthetic filter guys
and thye change the oil every 12,000 milei belive and that what the mercedes servise calls for so if that what they do with a filter then that what i recomend doing if you wana do that
but hey i yous the 15k miles oil couse where i go they dont have the regual synthetic anymore just the EP 15k syn
oil and i yous that every 3k to 4 and i do that for the last 16 months aproce 49k miles

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