1990 tc HELP!!!


New LVC Member
Nov 24, 2004
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Indianapolis, IN USA
My tc will not start. It turns but it will not start. I replaced the fuel filter and the dist cap and rotor. Can someone advise what it could be? :L :soapbox:
Could be alot of things -- bad wires - short somewhere, fuel problem, jsut to name a few -
Two quick easy checks. Pull the wire from the ignition coil and stick a screwdriver in the end. Prop the screwdriver so there is about 1/2" of gap from the blade of the screwdriver to some ground point (an inner fender well, etc). Keep body parts away from the screwdriver and have someone crank the engine. If you have spark, the ignition system is not the problem. If it does not spark, check the plug on the front of the distributor and the connections on the coil. In the run position, the + side of the coil should have a steady ~12v. Cranking the engine with a test light across the terminals should make the light blink. If it blinks and no spark, replace the coil. If no blink, the problem lies in either the ignition module or the pickup in the distributor.
Also, when you switch the key to 'run' position before cranking the engine, listen for a whirring noise from the fuel pump that lasts about 5 seconds then stops. If no noise, it could be a blown fuel pump fuse, relay, or the impact cutoff switch could have been tripped. I think that is located in the trunk on the driver's side on the hinge. It should be in the owner's manual and any service manual. I think the white button on the top just pushes in or something. If all that checks out, and you get +12v across the fuel pump plug (somewhere on the gas tank probably, look for the fuel line on the passenger side of the car and trace it to the tank. Usually the power connectors and the fuel connection are close together on the top of the tank) the pump is probably bad.
If you have "fuel and fire" as they say, and it still won't start, it could be a lot of things that I don't know enough about Ford engines to diagnose. I'm a boat mechanic by trade, and seldom deal with FI systems, so I'm not the best reference. Marine FI systems are somewhat different than auto ones anyway.
Replace the Fuel Pump Relay located next to the Master Cylinder. This is usually the culprit when the car cranks but will not start. They cost $5.00 and you can get them at Checkers or Auto Zone...
Are you parked on an incline? If so you, may be in Vapor-lock. Something similar happened to me this past Monday morning after I got off work. I would try to start the car and the only way it would run was by holding the key in the "start" posistion. Then a huge cloud of fuel-rich exhaust would come out. After 20 min the car started right up and I've had no problems since.I hope this might help.
I believe there is a clip to the right of the cover. The fuses are inside and you will have to slide them out. Get a haynes manual for better reference.

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