1996 continental coolant flow problem....


New LVC Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I just replaced the alternator on my car and in doing so had to disconnect the coolant system to get it out.Just fyi i have done this several times(breaking into the coolant system to check the alternator).Now my problem is that i am getting no flow,i am showing a data error for the cooling system,i replaced the coolant temp sensor and the gauge will not move off of cold.The fans come on as soon as i start the car cold,i believe i have gotten all of the air out of the lines.I have also lost my a/c???Any idea's,stuck thermostat,killed my water pump???Everything was working great until my charging system problem...Please help,this sucks bad.....
while I know absolutely squat about the 95-up conti's, one quicky that comes to mind... did you get the belt on properly?? what I am thinking here is maybe its wrapped around the water pump the wrong way, and therefore not pumping?? Just a shot in the dark, cause I am blind here.

However, if the computer is detecting a cooling problem, it makes sense that it will not allow the AC to run, as that adds a lot of load to the cooling system.
coolant issue

i double checked the belt and as far as the diagram shows it is on correct.i thought maybe a relay is faulty for the cooling fans but i am told there is not one.i figured the temp sensor and the fans coinside with one another.i am totally lost her,just one you think you know a thing or two about cars,wow..i must have lost a gallon of blood with the tight squeezes my arms have been into(lol)...
yea, I hear ya on the lost blood from cuts to the arms. the 3.8's dont have hardly any room on the belt end of the engine, and I KNOW the V-8's have even less!

Like I said, I dont know much about the v8's, but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in, which is pretty much just common sense checking. Afterall, internal combustion engines all work pretty much the same way

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