1998 Mark Viii Parts

Just added Evap Tray with all Hoses and clamps with the 2 boxs intact.. anyhow, I cleaned them up and it looks real Nice... Best offer gets it..
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Just added Evap Tray with all Hoses and clamps with the 2 boxs intact.. anyhow, I cleaned them up and it looks real Nice... Best offer gets it..

WOW. Just wow. I talked to you 3 hours ago and you said I could have it for $50 shipped. Now that you've pulled it, it's "best offer"?:mad: I'll go to Ebay if i want to take part in an auction. You are a real piece of work. :mad: I gave you a second chance and got burnt within 24 hours. I have another one lined up in P'cola. I don't have to worry about him lying to me about the price. You really need to leave the forum or take your meds.
really.? I asked you honestly what you think it was worth..? and Said that I will take your office If I was not getting suckered. I don't mind losing out as long as I help others.. Dude! you offered me a 50 bucks for a item that IS going for at least 120 on ebay.!! I told you I will check into pricing each offer.. Sorry but I am not just going to give things away.. I don't like to me suckered or low balled... But anyhow, I Said my peace with you. Told you on the phone I don't want to be taken advantage of. I this means I am kicked off this forum for taking offers and doing research then so be it.. I am new at this and I guess I should have thought of prices for Over a million parts and then this would be a problem. my bad.! You were just trying to take advantage of me and its not going to happen.. don't mind losing 20 bucks or so.. but I seen these go for way over 120 on ebay. sorry man I guess you just want things free and make me look bad. Take care.
Ediazlatin Albums

What album is all the parts in?

ALL the parts are in my Album... For now on I will just not take offers and Do my research on prices.. Sorry but I thought I was helping out but ended up being the bad guy.!
If we wanted to pay ebay prices, we would buy from ebay. I sell my parts for half of ebay prices in most cases. I really didn't think they were selling for that much. There are people on ebay who purposely overcharge the gullible and you're dumb enough to believe that stuff is worth it. There are 3 of them on there starting at $80, and none of them have bids. I've got some $200 HID bulbs for ya if that's your line of thinking. I don't sell stuff for dumb prices and I sure as :q:q:q:q don't buy them for dumb prices. Find someone else to put up with your BS.
micahs97m8 don't be to angry $50 will probably be high bid then hr will sell it or he will try ebay.
No, not going to just give things away.. thank you for your offer but I will just keep it.. my Bad. not selling it for 50.. good luck in your venture..!
Tossing out my two cents.

The most valuable thing you have is your reputation, and on a forum that means you stand behind what you say 100%. If you make a mistake, take the pain, maybe it will educate you.

This isn't ebay, if you want ebay prices, go sell a dozen things there and learn why so many people are happy to sell to other forum members for about half of ebay prices.

This is an enthusiast forum, if you come here just to sell at top dollar while being educated on where the parts are, how to judge condition, etc etc you are not adding much value to the forum. People who get top dollar are the ones that can ANSWER questions and have a history of both product knowledge and customer support.
hey i have a 98 here's a list of what i need if available:front abs sensor, rear neon light ballast, wiper motor, steering column. feel free 2 contact me by phone 985-222-0404
Don't pay more than:
ABS sensor $50
Ballast $50
wiper motor: $25
Steering column $100

Make sure the steering column works smoothly in all directions. You can get a brand new ballast from glitch for $100.
I've got 2 working columns I'll sell ya. Pm me if you want.

If we're going that route, i have the ABS sensor and the wiper motor. :pIf your going through the trouble of removing the wiper motor, you can buy a new one online for a little bit more, though.:shifty:
Tossing out my two cents.

The most valuable thing you have is your reputation, and on a forum that means you stand behind what you say 100%. If you make a mistake, take the pain, maybe it will educate you.

This isn't ebay, if you want ebay prices, go sell a dozen things there and learn why so many people are happy to sell to other forum members for about half of ebay prices.

This is an enthusiast forum, if you come here just to sell at top dollar while being educated on where the parts are, how to judge condition, etc etc you are not adding much value to the forum. People who get top dollar are the ones that can ANSWER questions and have a history of both product knowledge and customer support.

I respect that..! Thank you.. I know now.. Thank you..

I do not know crap on where anything outside the car is so I do ask.. and Everyone did help.. thanks.. Lets all start over Please...
actually a glitch ballast is 90 shipped!! this guy is a tool. and learn how the :q:q:q:q to spell english on an english speaking forum or go take typing lessons for christ sake.
I don't recall Ever talking about a Glitch..!!! I am as American as Anyone.. Stop Being a D*ck and get over it.. If you don't like me or my typos then don't read my posts..
i'm not being a dick, i am LVC's A-HOLE. deal with it. you are a newb here, you are a very mouthy newb at that, before you come here trying to sell parts and running your mouth to long time members here, you best build yourself a reputation first. otherwise you'll be sitting at home thinking of ways to build furniture out of your mountain of car parts that you cant sell here because you came walking in like king :q:q:q:q right off the bat. just friendly advice.
seems the original poster looks like this now

ok guys!!! I am letting parts go real cheap..! I might have came across like a smart mouth and Its time for me to watch my mouth... So to make it up to the next 10 ppl that want something from me. I will go half on shipping and Stop being a tight ass on parts.. MICAH.... Sorry!...If still interested in the Evap tray thing I will sell it to you and go half on shipping as well... I took my happy pill! lol.. so let's all get them cars looking Pretty again! let me know what you need and we can work something out.. as for anyone that bought parts from me in the past month.... you know I am good to my word..If you need It I got it..I think....LOL.... No hard Feelings...I also forgot to mention I am willing to sell the rest of it in whole for 600.00 locals only...
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Right front air strut

Hey do you still have the right front air strut? I need it badly. mine some how, kinked over on itself. So odd.

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