#2 Lib dumps on the troops, no apology followed the comments

JohnnyBz00LS said:
WHY can't you RWWs keep FOCUSED? You keep justifying the Iraq war w/ 9/11, while ignoring the REAL war on terror and finding / killing those RESPONSIBLE for the 9/11 and many prior terrorist attacks on the US, the Taliban, AlQuida and Osama Bin Ladin!!
Saddam has WMD. Saddam violated the peace accord. Clinton did nothing about it. BUSH DID. What is so hard to understand. I can tell the difference. On one hand there were some towel heads in Afganistan we went after. Got most of them. On the other, there was a nutcase who refused to accept that he lost a war 10 years before and we were nice enough to leave him standing. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Sorry Saddam, no second chances. Pretty simple stuff when you break it down.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
To add insult to injury, their poor planning on this Iraq war has resulted in this quagmire we are currently in.
And I really love Liberals. They hunt around in the dictionary looking for the perfect word to rally around and then that's all you hear from the parrots. Quagmire, quagmire, brooock, quagmire. Johnny said a pretty word. Brooock, quagmire. You forgot to add in the line about how this is like Vietnam. Got to get that in there too you know. Quagmire/Vietnam, quagmire/Vietnam. Or did that lose favor because kerry got his ass handed to him because of his 'valor' in Vietnam? ATTENTION ALL TREE HUGGERS. IT IS THE YEAR 2005. THE 1970'S ENDED BACK IN THE 1970'S. PLEASE TAKE YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES. IT IS SAFE TO COME OUT NOW. THANK YOU.
FreeFaller said:
So here's the libbies' next presidential candidate saying that Iraq is part of the GWOT... Looks like someone just got *owned*

Hardly. She wouldn't be "my" canditate if I had any say in it. Even Bryan can see she's pandering for votes.

So Bryan doesn't like politically correct terminology? Fine, I'll call it what it is. A friggin cluster-f-u-c-k. You know you've got a pretty WEAK argument when you have to nit-pick on words.

I don't see what the problem is over in Iraq. We went to war with the 4-5th largest army in the world. If it was a football game, the score would have been 66-3. We freed 25 million people that were being repressed. Now we are dealing with martyrs making pipe bombs. Only way that is going to stop is if we kill them all I guess. Bringing hope and democracy to Iraq will stabilize the whole region. It will take time. As soon as people get a chance to partake in free elections, have a decent job, food on the table, etc, etc. they won't put up with the crap anymore and will start fighting the insurgency themselves. But 1st they need to have something to lose to make sticking their necks out worth it. That is what we are trying to do. Take a people that had no hope and give them a chance to rise up. When they do, there will be peace in the region. Rebuild the infrastructure and let them taste the sweetness that is democracy. It'll work, just give it some time.
barry2952 said:
And so is your reply.
JohnnyBz00LS said:

WHY can't you RWWs keep FOCUSED? You keep justifying the Iraq war w/ 9/11, while ignoring the REAL war on terror and finding / killing those RESPONSIBLE for the 9/11 and many prior terrorist attacks on the US, the Taliban, AlQuida and Osama Bin Ladin!! Don't forget that most of the 9/11 terrorist were SAUDIs!! So WHY have we tip-toed around Saudi Arabia? Simple, OIL. Oh yeah, the Saudis also own a significant chunk of the US. Can't piss them off, they might call in our debts to them.

I don't think ONE liberal / democrat in this entire country has an issue w/ the "War On Terror" (i.e.: finding OBL and dismantling his organization). THAT is entirely justified by 9/11. BUT BUSH DID NOT FINISH THE JOB THERE YET!!! What is rapidly becoming the majority of the people of the US are PISSED about is that INSTEAD of finishing the job of finding and prosecuting OBL, BuSh covertly diverted our attention, resources and soldier's lives to oust Saddam as a personal vandetta while making his oil industry buddies rich in the process. To add insult to injury, their poor planning on this Iraq war has resulted in this quagmire we are currently in.

Had BuSh finished hunting down those responsible for 9/11 FIRST before going into Iraq, no one would be pissed.

Had BuSh & co. properly planned for the aftermath in Iraq, no one would be pissed.


You RWWs keep feeding yourselves the same :bsflag: it eventually starts tasting good. Meanwhile the rest of the majority of us US citizens will pass, thanks.

You know, guys, in this quote I "hear" so much hatred, so much anger, so much vitriol. I can picture Johnny pounding angrily on his keyboard as he types, yanking his mouse over to the "bold" button, slamming down the CAPS LOCK key.

I am just wondering, Johnny, what personal stake you have in all this. Do you just oppose Bush and republicans in general or on principle, or did you lose a family member over in Iraq or something? This level of fury seems to be out of proportion to something that boils down to a political/military decision by our president. How does this affect you so personally?
fossten said:
This level of fury seems to be out of proportion to something that boils down to a political/military decision by our president. How does this affect you so personally?

Keep on talking, your ignorance is showing.

Merely a "political/military decision by our president"?? Have you lost your mind? If you've read more than a couple of my posts, you'll know exactly how this affects me personally and why I'm so mad. Stop wasting my time with useless questions.
That's one of the great things about this forum...we poke and prod and push each others buttons. We get angry and sometimes walk the line...but we keep it in the political forum. Outside of these threads were all Lincoln/Cadillac lovers at heart.
If I didn't get to spank libs, I don't know what I'd do.
My life would be very boring I guess.

And yes, what is said in here, stays in here. Just like Vegas.

Were friends :Beer but just happen in some cases to be political adversaries.:F
FreeFaller said:
That's one of the great things about this forum...we poke and prod and push each others buttons. We get angry and sometimes walk the line...but we keep it in the political forum. Outside of these threads were all Lincoln/Cadillac lovers at heart.

To that, :Beer

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