WHY can't you RWWs keep FOCUSED? You keep justifying the Iraq war w/ 9/11, while ignoring the REAL war on terror and finding / killing those RESPONSIBLE for the 9/11 and many prior terrorist attacks on the US, the Taliban, AlQuida and Osama Bin Ladin!! Don't forget that most of the 9/11 terrorist were SAUDIs!! So WHY have we tip-toed around Saudi Arabia? Simple, OIL. Oh yeah, the Saudis also own a significant chunk of the US. Can't piss them off, they might call in our debts to them.
I don't think ONE liberal / democrat in this entire country has an issue w/ the "War On Terror" (i.e.: finding OBL and dismantling his organization). THAT is entirely justified by 9/11. BUT BUSH DID NOT FINISH THE JOB THERE YET!!! What is rapidly becoming the majority of the people of the US are PISSED about is that INSTEAD of finishing the job of finding and prosecuting OBL, BuSh covertly diverted our attention, resources and soldier's lives to oust Saddam as a personal vandetta while making his oil industry buddies rich in the process. To add insult to injury, their poor planning on this Iraq war has resulted in this quagmire we are currently in.
Had BuSh finished hunting down those responsible for 9/11 FIRST before going into Iraq, no one would be pissed.
Had BuSh & co. properly planned for the aftermath in Iraq, no one would be pissed.
You RWWs keep feeding yourselves the same :bsflag: it eventually starts tasting good. Meanwhile the rest of the majority of us US citizens will pass, thanks.