20 bucks paypal if u find what I need.

still waiting on making a deal,

but i guess the 20 is still up for grabs...
LennDawg said:
how bout you just send the 20 to me because i am broke and desperate :D :(

man, im just waiting on Elchory to give me contact information..

til then lets see if there is anything we can find......
Ok, elchory sold his LS to some one else.. too bad i guess.

Alright im still looking.
itsnotmydaddys said:
weve all found some for u but none of them u like. so what is it that will get us 20 bucks.

as i said.. the price is a major factor

80k MAX

kudisbetta said:
as i said.. the price is a major factor

80k MAX


but that's your buy price. The ads are just asking prices. You are EXPECTED to negotiate. I gave you a possibility in my last post, you just have to call and find out if its a Sport model. We can't do EVERYTHING for ya. ;)
00ls5spd said:

OOLS, Thanks alot, i appreciate it man..

Hey dont you get engines and transmissions for the LS.. I found this one and gave em a cal.

He said there was a slip in the trasmission or something...
It is an easy fix, can u get me a new tranny.
check out the whip and let me know. thanks..

My zip is temporarily 49931
No, I'm not the guy that can get you a tranny...sorry. That looks like a good price for an LS, not sure about the $ involved in the slipping trans, but drive the $hit out of it on your test drive and see whats up with it:D :D :D
a slipping trans could be fixed with a simple fluid change ... but I would hope most folks would be smart enough to try that first before selling the car in this condition. But you never know.
Qbrozen said:
a slipping trans could be fixed with a simple fluid change ... but I would hope most folks would be smart enough to try that first before selling the car in this condition. But you never know.

worst case senario how much would it to fix..
kudisbetta said:
worst case senario how much would it to fix..

i really have no idea. I don't know what a trans rebuild would cost for this car. How bout calling a Midas or some such place and ask them how much for a complete rebuild.
ok im seriouly having trouble finding what i want...

close to WI, MI, OH, IN, IL, MN
i think it's time to admit that you are going to have a hell of a time finding your ideal LS especially for 9K. i know they're out there, but they probably go so fast you dont have much time to negotiate or make arrangements. i would consider an LS with higher mileage, or be prepared to spend more money... otherwise you're going to keep getting frustrated.
steagle said:
i think it's time to admit that you are going to have a hell of a time finding your ideal LS especially for 9K. i know they're out there, but they probably go so fast you dont have much time to negotiate or make arrangements. i would consider an LS with higher mileage, or be prepared to spend more money... otherwise you're going to keep getting frustrated.

i know, thing is 2 months ago there were plenty.. I found a couple with 90k for 9..

I even found one with 78 k on body and 40 k on new engine, but NO moonroof...

My best bet is a 2000 with 80k.. ( waitin on pics)..

but if anyone finds soemthing, post it here... thanks..

I would really like a blk interior... but at this point im have to be flexible..
You only want to spend $10,000? Even a Dodge Neon costs more than that. I'm thinking what you REALLY want is a Chevy Aveo. :)

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