2000 LS Overheating but not really!!!

LS Gets U Wet said:
this is exactly why my lincoln went into the shop:

your problem is one of the following
1. Thermostat
2. Radiator (mine was cracked)
3. A/C Condenser (also cracked)
4. bleed your whole system, there are plenty of discussions on how to do this, or why it is the way it is
5. rad. cap
there are a few more problems that could go wrong with your cooling system........do a search.
Quik LS said:
good deal. What was it?

I really believe it was air in the system. But I did replace the thermosat at the same time. I guess it could have been the Thermostat. The best news is that my wife wants to keep it now. I am hoping it will be my car someday.
Overheating fix

2001 LS V6 same problem. Put in new thermostat $6.83. Bled system with new antifreeze $6.99. Problem solved. No more overheating.
I'll take that back

Damn, a few days without overheating and wham i'm stuck 20 miles from home. What is up with this car? Thermostat replacement did not fix it. Crazy.
check to make sure your coolant level is up. My car would show overheating, I filled it with coolant and now the problem is resolved.
just remember when your car "shows" overheating....(unless you have a defect in the cylinder head temperature sensor or in gauge cluster) it IS overheating...and if it's the sudden jump on the gauge it's overheating in the worst place - the cylinder head.
Can that always be the case? Minen would do it as soon as I started the car...would sit for 5 secs and spike. I would think it's pretty impossible for it to do that.
tireman said:
Damn, a few days without overheating and wham i'm stuck 20 miles from home. What is up with this car? Thermostat replacement did not fix it. Crazy.
did you follow the air "burp" process in the service manual? If you have air in the system it will overheat.
What! Back to normal but...........

Had a friend drive me down to where the car sat. Drove 20 miles home on highway without air conditioning on, no overheating, no fan working. Parked it started air conditioning still no fan. Hmmmmmm. Turned off let sit for two hours to cool. Started car, fan on! Airconditioning ok! Runs without problem. Hmmmm, yes i did purge the system as in the service manual. I looked in the pump resevour and did not like the looks of the fluid inside. Did not look like atf fuild. So i compared ATF fluid and stuff in car, not the same. Maybe someone put antifreeze in thinking this was the radiator fill......i'll let you know.
I have just skimmed this thread, but I battled this for about 6 weeks. Fill cap was bad. Had the thermostat replaced although not sure if it was really bad. Worked great for a couple of weeks then started again. Finally, replaced the resevoir / or overflow tank, not sure what it is called and it has run great ever since.

Watch to see if it is burping fluid on the ground or if you can hear it boiling. After that cracked tank was fixed, it has been smooth (cool) sailing.
Overheating fixed

Dealer replaced hydraulic cooling fan motor, ATF contaminated. Total cost $708.85. Love the car - hate the cost.:p
How did you contaminate the Automatic Transmission fluid...and what does that have to do with a cooling fan for the engine?
What i believe

ATF is used in the cooling fan reservoir. It appears that someone put antifreeze in thinking this was the radiator reservoir. I don't believe that this hurt the fan motor as both are lubricants. The liquid in the reservoir had a milky look to it. ATF is basically dark colored. The dealer purged the milky stuff and refilled with regular ATF as far as i know. Well that's as far as my knowledge goes. I just love this car!:D
dpboone said:
You have the dreaded Hydrol. Cooling Fan Failure. The dealer will charge about 1300 to replace it. The part is 500 and the labor is about 10 hours.

That is exatly what was wrong when mine did this a month or so ago, luckly it was covered by warranty, but the whole cooling fan system was screwed. Fan, Pump the whole 9.

Overheating fixed

Dealer replaced fan motor and fluid total cost $708. No more overheating.:) Did i say i loved this car????? I LOVE THIS CAR! No matter what this cost, this car is great fun! Luxury and performance.
The LS has become a serious pain in the ass the last week or so. It was messing up 5 or 6 times a day. The fan blowing like a hurricane(very noisy). The temp indicator pegging and sending the car into reduced power mode. Then turn the car off and on a couple of times and it was good to go for a while. A couple of weeks ago I replaced the reservoir cap and that seemed to make the problem worse. Last night I replaced the thermostat and filled and purged the system. I have driven the car 10 times today and no problems yet. That hasn't happened in at least 2 weeks. I have my fingers crossed. Could air in my system have caused my problems. How is the air getting there if it is the problem?

I'm having the EXACT same problem you were with my wifes 03 V8, fan gets really noisy moving alot of air, turn on the A/C and in less than a minute the temp pegs out and the temp warning light comes on. The car just made 52K also, I was wondering what all your trouble shooting netted you. Do you think it was just air in the coolant system all along? If so how did it get there, a 12 dollar cap?

You should have just started a new thread. This got confuseing till I looked at the dates. But did you check the coolant res.? It may be cracked, when mine was cracked it didnt take long to start acting up at all. Also, Im wondering if you had a squeaking noise from your p.steering over the winter?

Has anything under the car been leaking?

Yes, it was just air in the system. I have had a leak for quite awhile now. As long as I keep the coolant level where it needs to be I never get a problem. If it gets to low I get air in the system somehow and it starts pegging the needle again. And I have to bleed the system again. Yesterday I finally found my leak. My coolant reservoir has hairline cracks. I am ordering the new part today. Hope this helps.

Yes, it was just air in the system. I have had a leak for quite awhile now. As long as I keep the coolant level where it needs to be I never get a problem. If it gets to low I get air in the system somehow and it starts pegging the needle again. And I have to bleed the system again. Yesterday I finally found my leak. My coolant reservoir has hairline cracks. I am ordering the new part today. Hope this helps.

Thanks, this helps alot! I'll start checking the system for leaks, should be easy to tell if I have a leak because the coolant level will be low right? Or will it read the same level and the lost coolant will be displaced with air? Any sure way to tell?

Also I had the dealer flush and replace the power steering fluid because it was making a noise, would they have to open the cooling system to get to it? May this have causeed my problem?

Thanks again,

You should have just started a new thread. This got confuseing till I looked at the dates. But did you check the coolant res.? It may be cracked, when mine was cracked it didnt take long to start acting up at all. Also, Im wondering if you had a squeaking noise from your p.steering over the winter?

Has anything under the car been leaking?

Yeah It was during the winter but I took it to the dealer, they changed the fluid added the addative according to the TSB I found and I got almost non existent and eventually faded away. It hasnt happened anymore.

I'm going to to check the coolant resivoir, I did notice after it pegged idling in the driveway after I shut off the engine that the jug was completly empty and was refilling. It may have been just me but it almost sounded like a small electric pump running and you could hear fluid rushing.???

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