LVC Member
I also checked fuse number 1 which looks to be the small 10 amp fuse and not any of the big ones. If I am incorrect with that then can someone please let me know.
So you've had to add some since you last bled the system? If so, then you have air in the system, which is the problem.
But how can a small air pocket stop heat from coming out. Does anyone think its something else.
My car had a broken tensioner which was replaced on drivers side. But the car now has a rattling and knocking sound from that side. It's not a constant rattling as it changes speed and duration. It also has a service engine light on as it runs a bit rough similar to when I replaced 2 coil packs before. The car also idles higher than normal. Anyone know what it is and how to fix it. I hope it doesn't need an engine rebuild or new valve train. This can't be the tensioner seeing that it was changed. Anyone?
I could have sworn that a little air in there would stop circulation. But now that I think of it, I wonder why they even put the air bleeds in or have the air bleed procedure? I'm sure you are an exception to a lot of the experiences had here. As such, I don't know if I can help you.
I could have sworn that a little air in there would stop circulation. But now that I think of it, I wonder why they even put the air bleeds in or have the air bleed procedure? I'm sure you are an exception to a lot of the experiences had here. As such, I don't know if I can help you.
Do you think this may be too subtle??????
Yeah I know. That was a little mean, but this is getting frustrating.
On a related note, did you know that a little air bubble in a vein can stop your heart from pumping...
Anyway, I apologize to the OP.
But how can a small air pocket stop heat from coming out. Does anyone think its something else.
I recommend Motorcraft plugs.Well I replaced coil 7 and all the other coils on that side if the engine as well as 7 out if 8 spark plugs due to one if the new plugs breaking when it fell on the floor . The service engine light has now gone away by itself. But unfortunately the car still sounds tough and runs and sounds like its running on one cylinder with a slight hesitation just like a bad coil would do. Does anyone have any suggestions. I've recorded the engine sound.
I hope you don't know that from experience!!!!!!!!!!
I am still getting some heat intermittently on passenger side but cold air on drivers side. Does this mean that the DCCV is definitely at fault. Is there anyone who can diagnose this for me.
I think that this has been covered pretty thouroughly already...the easiest and most likely culprit of this is air in the cooling system from when they pulled your engine. You seem pretty set on replacing the DCCV though, so have at it because that should involve draining the coolant anyway. Consensus here seems to be air in your cooling system
You know what I find funny, Cobey? That he's been going on for a week about this, ignoring what everyone is telling him, to avoid a simple 20 minute procedure that costs nothing to perform, because he doesn't want to listen. Me, if someone tells me that I can try a 20 minute procedure free, or spend a couple hundred dollars on a new component, I'm going to say please excuse me, I'll be back in an hour. But then I can't afford to fritter away hundreds of dollars for no good reason. I mean, it's not like he can't go ahead and spend the money on the DCCV if the simple bleed procedure doesn't work.
I'm not going to post on this thread again until he says the bleed procedure is complete, there's just no use in it.
I absolutely agree. I have been following this thread for a while just because it keeps popping up. I was trying to be slightly polite at least about it, but yeah, this seems like a no brainer to me. Even if it doesn't fix it (which my money is on that it will) its not like it costs much. Yes, if you bring it to a shop they will charge you $50-80 if I remember right, but that's better than throwing parts around
...I bled it from the valve near the firewall. I never had this problem before when draining my coolant. It cant be this picky this time when it wasnt before.
There are two bleed points.
Did you follow the fill and bleed procedure exactly and to the letter?
What did you do to stop the leak?
If hot coolant were flowing in the heater hoses, you'd have hot air coming out of the vents.