Bought my second LS about a year ago with around 100,000 original KM.
It had been neglected from the previous owner(s).
The project has been on hold for many months. I just started working on her again.
I have since cleaned her up pretty good and completed a major tune up with Motorcraft: battery, alternator, coils. NGK spark plugs, Fel-Pro VCG's, oil pan gasket and serpentine belt.
Cleaned throttle body, K&N air filter, MAF sensor, oil change.
-When I start the car and the RPM's drop to idle around 650-700, the vehicle shakes. If I give it some gas it will go away.
- Accelerating with a light throttle past 2000+ RPM feels like it hesitates and doesn't want to go any higher. It will just stay there, unless I press harder on the gas pedal, then it will jump up a bit then shift. The problem seems to not be as bad if I really step on it.
The following codes shows up with a KOEO using Forscan:
U1131 - Lack of fuel pump status response
U1262 - SCP Data Link Fault (IC and ABS)
C1805 - Mismatched PCM and/or ABS/TCS Module
C1963 - Stability Control Inhibit Warning
P1233 - Fuel pump driver module offline
My research has pointed me towards the secondary fuel pump or jet pump.
Before I go and replace that. Do you think that is the culprit for the U1131, P1233?
It had been neglected from the previous owner(s).
The project has been on hold for many months. I just started working on her again.
I have since cleaned her up pretty good and completed a major tune up with Motorcraft: battery, alternator, coils. NGK spark plugs, Fel-Pro VCG's, oil pan gasket and serpentine belt.
Cleaned throttle body, K&N air filter, MAF sensor, oil change.
-When I start the car and the RPM's drop to idle around 650-700, the vehicle shakes. If I give it some gas it will go away.
- Accelerating with a light throttle past 2000+ RPM feels like it hesitates and doesn't want to go any higher. It will just stay there, unless I press harder on the gas pedal, then it will jump up a bit then shift. The problem seems to not be as bad if I really step on it.
The following codes shows up with a KOEO using Forscan:
U1131 - Lack of fuel pump status response
U1262 - SCP Data Link Fault (IC and ABS)
C1805 - Mismatched PCM and/or ABS/TCS Module
C1963 - Stability Control Inhibit Warning
P1233 - Fuel pump driver module offline
My research has pointed me towards the secondary fuel pump or jet pump.
Before I go and replace that. Do you think that is the culprit for the U1131, P1233?