2001 Continental AC not working


LVC Member
Aug 9, 2013
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So last summer I got lucky and was able to get it working by setting it to "Auto" and then raising the temp all the way up to 90 and then back down to 60.
This some how activates a blend door that is hung up. It would make a distinctive "clunk" when it changed from hot to cold air.

Now all I get is hot air and hotter air even when on MAX AC.

What is the likely cause and where should I start with basic AC troubleshooting (Freon levels, leaks, etc)?
check with the simple things first.

Check if the ac clutch is activating, it should at least run 1x or more in a minute and then shut off. If it's not activating at all then your refrigerant is low.
You can jump the low pressure switch to temporarily activate the clutch. If the clutch doesn't work with the jump then disconnect the clutch connector and supply 12volt. If the clutch works then start charging with refrigerant that has a UV dye in it. The UV dye will make it easy to spot leaks.
What makes you think the blend door just hasn't finally died? That will give you hot air no matter what.
I'm pretty sure I have a leak in the system. I filled it with R134 and lasted for about a day and newer really got cold. Now back to HOT air when AC is turned on. I know I need to pin point the leak, but what are the common leaks points on the 98 to 2002 Continentals?
You'll need to track it down with one of those leak detector dye kits. It's the only sure way of finding the spot or spots it's leaking.
I came here to post about a similar issue, only I am not as tech savvy. I have had no issues with my 2001 LC since I got it about 5 years ago. Yesterday when I started her up, all I got was heat, no cold from the auto or max A/C.
I wondering if the temp sensor in the car was working. So I figured if I set the auto to a really high temp, the fan would eventually slow down and tell me if that was at least working. So as I pressed up on the temp control, the fan finally quit blowing when I hit 80. All of a sudden when I clicked back down and hit the low 70's, I started to get cold air again. Started up today for work and not issues. Just wondering what this could be....and again, I am handy, but not super tech savvy. Thanks.
My guess would be a faulty Blend door actuator, but others on this forum are way more qualified than me.


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