LVC Member
I bought a 2001 Lincoln Continental from a really crappy, unscrupulous used car dealership called hnr auto sales in Fremont, CA earlier this year. Unfortunately I no longer own this car seeing as it is sitting dead on the side of the highway just south of Lake Tahoe. The first major problem that I had with this car occured a couple of weeks ago when the alternator failed which left me stranded on the side of I5 waiting for a tow truck. After spending $330 for a new one I thought the car would be alright but on Monday afternoon when I was driving to Lake Tahoe the transmission blew on me. I was 3/4 of the way to Tahoe when I noticed a slight burning smell coming from the engine. Then the car started losing power and by the time I pulled over there was tons of white smoke pouring out from the engine (The temperature gauge by the way never showed any overheating). I waited 30 minutes, added more coolant and tried to continue driving. I only made it maybe 20 feet before the damn car lost power again. I pulled over again and was unable to drive it anymore after that point. The engine works fine, you can accelerate to 100 mph or more but the car won't move an inch. The entire trunk and rear bumper are covered in oil spray (I figure that oil or transmission fluid was spraying out of the exhaust pipe). Since I cannot afford to pay for a tow truck much less a new transmission I'm going to let whatever towing company that the CHP calls to remove the car keep it. My Continental only had 85K miles on it so I figure that the previous owner(s) did not take care of it at all and did nothing in the way of routine maintenance. I will probably never buy another Continental and will for sure never buy another vehicle from a small, dirty, independent used car dealership. ** Anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area don't ever buy a vehicle from H & R auto sales, you will for sure regret it later on.
** I noticed the first week after I bought this car that there were transmission problems. I would get a really loud vibration coming from under the hood while idling, it didn't shift smoothly from Drive to Park or Reverse and when backing up out of a parking space the car would often accelerate by itself.
** I noticed the first week after I bought this car that there were transmission problems. I would get a really loud vibration coming from under the hood while idling, it didn't shift smoothly from Drive to Park or Reverse and when backing up out of a parking space the car would often accelerate by itself.