2001 Lincoln LS V-8 (Head Gasket)


Active LVC Member
May 11, 2014
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Southern California
Well it looks like you guys were unfortunately correct. I have had nothing but issues with this car and now it looks like the head gasket might be the next issue. How much would this cost to repair typically? I am close to just selling this thing and moving back to my 88 Mark 7.
I know of only one case where a V8 LS actually blew a headgasket. On the other hand, I know of dozens of cases where the people were convinced it was a bad head gasket when it was just some tiny cracks in some plastic cooling system parts instead. Why don't you post what your actual problem is and what diagnostic steps have been taken, if you really want help with this.
Well basically without warning of any kind the engine overheated with legitimate amounts of coolant dripping on the driver side of the motor near the firewall. I had massive steaming and shut the car down immediately as this happened right as I entered my driveway. I had the car towed to my mechanic who said he couldn't find any leaks whatsoever in the system. He then proceeded to change the thermostat and all seems okay for now. However he noticed a very polished look on the several of the pistons which according to him is not necessarily typical of a motor with 155,000 miles on it thus leading him to believe it may have a head gasket issue. He told me to drive it a lot and see how it does in terms of overheating. I have gone through a lot with this car since I purchased it in April and if it indeed does overheat necessitating a head gasket I am done with it for sure.
You may need a new mechanic. The test to tell if it is a head / head gasket issue is a hydrocarbon test on the coolant. There' s no reason to guess at it.
You have the classic symptom of a cracked degas bottle.
I have had this mechanic since I was in my late teens and now I'm forty. He's done well with our whole fleet of vehicles. However I respect your advice and will double check to see that he inspected that aspect of it. As for the hydrocarbon test I will also mention that.
I still want an idea as to how much a possible head gasket repair would be JUST IN CASE I'm the one in ten thousand guy who just happens to have one. :)
I still want an idea as to how much a possible head gasket repair would be JUST IN CASE I'm the one in ten thousand guy who just happens to have one. :)

Probably cheaper to replace the engine with a used one.
I still want an idea as to how much a possible head gasket repair would be JUST IN CASE I'm the one in ten thousand guy who just happens to have one. :)

nobody really knows because of all the problems people have with the LS, that just aint one of them...
I can't recall anyone (or very few) in the last 4 years I have been here where a head gasket blew.

If you did a head gasket...I might suggest the timing chains also get replaced as those are likely failure points in the first Gen LS. The timing chain is not likely related to the issue you are experiencing. It seems like a classic Degas bottle failure (or a Motorcraft cap on a Dorman degas bottle that is not sealing well).

At the point you are into a head gasket and timing chain replacement.......you are likely into serious money.
If I have a cracked Degas bottle when would I see fluid leakage? Would it be only while extremely hot then seal when cold? Another question how can I tell if I have a Doorman cap on a Motorcraft Degas bottle?
A million people have had the same problem as you. I would then lean toward it being common cracked degas bottle.
Well you guys do have the intricacies of this car down pretty well. I am debating changing this out myself if it is indeed the issue.
If I have a cracked Degas bottle when would I see fluid leakage? Would it be only while extremely hot then seal when cold? Another question how can I tell if I have a Doorman cap on a Motorcraft Degas bottle?

You may not. The cracks are hairline and can let air IN with no signs of leakage. Once the cracks get larger they will leak coolant, evidenced by coolant on the ground around the driver's wheel.


Re&Re - OEM Degas Bottle - GEN 1 V8

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