Queenie Love
LVC Member
This forum has been awesome in helping me with my car The Craigslist Nightmare...SO this guy said the car was in great condition a few days later I could barely drive without it spuddering horribly and is still spuddering when I get to 45-50. ..I changed the spark plugs...it helped alittle...still overheating out of the degas bottle...changed the degas bottle...still overheating...went from hydraulic to electric fan...still overheating...so I replaced the thermostat housing and removed the thermostat...Found a hole in the lower radiator hose on the rubber not the plastic..can I replace the rubber and reuse the plastic..do I have to buy a new assembly...can I replace the plastic part with just a rubber part....I am doing the work myself so I'm trying to cut cost where I can please help Thanks