2002 Lincoln LS ATC flashing - front brakes LOCKING - MAJOR SAFETY ISSUE C1288-C1289


LVC Member
May 9, 2016
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Forgive the long post but I have been through a nightmare with this car for the past 6 months and have reviewed virtually every post on the internet about this issue.

The vehicle initially threw 2 ABS codes: C1288, Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Failure, and C1289, Secondary Pressure Transducer Circuit Failure. I can reset them but they pop back up after 2 or 3 drive cycles.

Virtually the entire suspension has been replaced. Ball joints, tie rod ends, struts, control arms and bushings, new rear rotors and calipers, new speed sensors all around, and much much more.

The original issue I had was that the AdvanceTrac light was flashing all the time, and after ten minutes of driving the cruise control would drop out. I would drive about 20 miles, then spend 10 or 15 minutes in a store and go back out to find that the light was no longer flashing, but remaining lit all the time and now the status monitor is flashing "Check AdvanceTrac, but now also the cruise control is working without dropping out at all... until the cars cools off, and the whole scenario repeats itself. On occasion the ATC light would stop flashing while driving (remaining lit), and the status monitor would advise to check the advancetrac, and the cruise control would work until the end of the trip.

I finally took it to a ford dealer to have the ABS/Traction control system calibrated. They couldn't get through the process because C1288 kept popping up and they wanted even more money to troubleshoot the problem, but the mechanic told me it was probably the brake booster.

Before any further repairs, we drove the car 1500 miles to Miami and back, and the system never reset to the point that we ever had cruise control for more than 10 minutes, which made that trip miserable. About half way back we got stuck in some traffic and even at very low speeds while applying the brakes it felt like one of the bolts may have come out of the left front caliper. We were still 400 miles out and because of the time I went ahead and drove it the rest of the way using nothing but the emergency brake. It turns out that jerky feeling was probably the ABS kicking in when it wasn't suppose to.

When we got back I replaced both the booster and the master cylinder. Now the symptoms have changed but I am still getting the C1288 and C1289 Codes. Now the cruise control NEVER works anymore at any time. Now when the ATC light stops flashing and the check advancetrac warning comes on, it immediately applies the front brakes. This has happened three or four times now and the last time it happened I was going 70mph and by the time I got pulled over to the side of the road the front brake were smoking. I tried rocking the car to no avail, so the were locked good, but after only a minute or two the brakes had let go and I was able to go about the rest of my trip, about another 10 miles, then another 15 miles back home without incident, except that now the pulsating came again which I have found I can control if I simply pump the brakes.

The last time the brakes locked up, I had turned off the traction control before leaving my driveway assuming this would bypass these issues, but it happened anyway.

There are a shocking number of similar issues posted all over the internet, but I cannot find an actual answer to the problem. There is a great deal of speculation but not an actual answer.

Has anyone on this forum had a similar incident, and if so, did you get it fixed? And if you got it fixed, what is the solution?

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to any helpful information.

2002 Lincoln LS ATC flashing - front brakes LOCKING - MAJOR SAFETY ISSUE C1288-C1289
Well, you can keep throwing parts at it (I would throw the whole ABS assembly - electronic module and hydraulic module), or you could settle down and pay for actual full diagnostics on it.
Well, clearly you have it well in hand. Carry on...
... and sometimes in life we bite the hand that feeds us ... without knowing it.
Since you clearly lack the understanding of the problem and have zero appreciation for the amount of time, effort, and research that has gone into getting this corrected, I would appreciate it if you would satisfy your need to identify other people's ignorance somewhere else and leave this thread alone for those who can do something constructive to help the situation. If you feel the need to prove your ignorance and arrogance in public in order to prove my ignorance for asking a detailed question, then please carry on yourself.
well you have a major problem, and clearly don't have the equipment to properly diagnose whats going on in this pretty high tech computer controlled car. that leaves you the option of paying somebody that does...

or you can just keep throwing parts at it based off of guesses and hunches and sooner or later you'll find the right part.

but you already know this because it was the first thing told to you. get pissy if you want to, but this aint a 1980 chevy with 7 moving parts and no computers. maybe its a sensor, maybe is the whole module, the only way to find out is to go through the proper trouble shooting steps, and you cant get mad at the dealer that they dont wan't to do that for free.
That last post was not meant for you mr 1LoudLS. IF anyone would actually take the time to read the original post you will see that I did take it to a Ford dealer and the mechanic told me he suspected the Booster. Since that DID NOT fix it, I am leery of paying them even more money for even more misinformation.
...I finally took it to a ford dealer to have the ABS/Traction control system calibrated. They couldn't get through the process because C1288 kept popping up and they wanted even more money to troubleshoot the problem, but the mechanic told me it was probably the brake booster....

That last post was not meant for you mr 1LoudLS. IF anyone would actually take the time to read the original post you will see that I did take it to a Ford dealer and the mechanic told me he suspected the Booster. Since that DID NOT fix it, I am leery of paying them even more money for even more misinformation.

You got what you paid for. They wanted to do diagnostics, but you refused and just replaced a part based on "probably."

Your choices remain the same.
Do proper diagnostics.
Replace parts, many of them probably good.
Replace car.

Frankly, you are down to two probable causes and one unlikely but possible cause. It'll take about an hour or two of labor to narrow it down.

If you don't like having reality pointed out, then please do put me on your ignore list on this site. I'll do the same for you.
You have a car with obvious significant issues with the braking system, it's even throwing warnings at you, yet you go on extended road trips? It locks the front brakes, but you continue driving it? The dealer says something is amiss and wants to do complete diagnostics, but you refuse?

The mind boggles.

Then you're upset that board members highlight the obvious?????

This is NOT a common issue. Common issues, like failing coils, overheating, water leaks, suspension squeaks, etc, are routinely handled here and folks give an accurate diagnosis based on very little info. But your case? This is the braking system clearly malfunctioning. Now is not the time for seeking suggestions from random folks on the internet.

Either get up to speed on how to properly diagnose and repair ABS systems or hand it over to a highly qualified mechanic with a blank check.

Do you even have the service manuals? Even read the braking sections on the online manual (Gen2, so it's not entirely applicable)?

It could be wiring failures. It could be the ABS booster is bad. It could be one of the ancillary sensors that's part of the AdvanceTrak system.
..speaking of doing research, you may want to look into who JOEgr is around here... you dont get 1331 thanks (most are from new members like yourself "DEMANDING" solutions to their problem) by accident...


Loud and Joe are right,

way too technical, or unsafe to continue to guess... AND FROM your original post (you assume we're not reading)... you clearly state your unwillingness to pay a extra for further diagnosing...

YOUR REAL problem is you need to find a better dealer, you have 9 in the Charlotte area...


If your unsatisfied with the responses your getting here... try Yahoo answers.. Perhaps you'll get future there... ( I can tell you now, your going down the wrong path)
yeah. JOEGR is basically the jesus of LVC, the LS bible. He only speaks the truth and we should all be praying to him and asking for his forgiveness to get into Lincoln Heaven. Also, we should basically be tithing 10% of our income to him.

He has yelled at me a time or two but because i wasn't listening. And you know what? He was right.
Well clearly I have hit a nerve, and all people on this forum want to do is preach to you and tell you that Jesus is trying to help you, but you're not listening. I tried to detail the situation so I wouldn't get all this massive non-helpful information and get preached to for driving a vehicle with this problem. But that isn't good enough. You just want to see what you want to see and criticize instead of being helpful.

There were no serious issues with the condition of the vehicle when I took it on the trip. It was throwing those codes but other than kicking out the cruise control after a few minutes, there was no problem until on the way back from the trip when the brakes started pulsating.

But to be clear, If I want to be preached at for how stupid and sinful I am, I would go to church. Just because your Jesus Joe has helped many other people on this forum does not give him or you the right to demean my problem. Clearly some or all of you have some stake in Ford dealerships and you all seem to want to direct me there.

I don't need a spanking like a little child, and I don't need the obvious pointed out to me. I came to THIS site in an attempt to avoid all this Jr Varsity BS, but it was clearly a mistake.

Even after asking Joe to stay out of it, he just couldn't help himself and had to get in the last word. I am clearly not going to get any answers here. Obviously I am the only person on the planet to ever have these issues.

WOW!!!! And only 5 posts...

Unless someone can get into the system and run a diagnostic you will NEVER know what is the root cause of your issue (until you have replaced every possible part which is much more expensive than the diagnostic charge). NO ONE can tell you EXACTLY what's wrong just my hearing the symptoms; including your doctor. Do you want the Dr. to run tests or just tell you over the phone your "cold" is actually something much more serious? The codes do nothing more than point you in the right direction. I have relatives east of me in a different state. If I want to find their house I need a map... The diagnostic is the map to find the offending part.

But if your still stubborn and don't want to pay the professional there is no help.
....as you can do the same with your account. Clearly you dont have the intellect, or social ability to handle this problem (or discuss it out a forum).

I'd say less than 5% of our advice results in dealership diagnosis needs. But its common sense, when this many things have been replaced, to pay for a dealer to properly diagnose. YOU were unwilling to stick that route out, and instead, replace every part you could think of, and come here for some miracle answer for free. The fact you would continue to drive it after the first lock up shows your level of brightness. Lets hope you dont kill someone next time out...

YOUR ANSWERS, like them or not, still do not change... replace the whole ABS, electronic module or hydraulic module, or pay the sub $200 to have it properly diagnosed (at a quality dealer).

OTHERWISE, Stop expecting others to solve your problems for you, or throw a tantrum when you don't hear what you want.

Best of Luck with your future issues. Enjoy the wealth of knowledge on this site you'll continue to use moving forward.
what an ass hat...

yes we all read through your whole original post, and we all came to the exact same conclusion. it all went well up to the point that the dealer wanted to figure out what the actually problem was, but you did not want to pay them to do that, so they did the next best thing and guessed... so tell us again how exactly that worked out for you? oh yeah, sh!t got worse.

as with most things in life, crap in = crap out

the funny thing is, since the brake booster was not the problem (unless this tool broke something else while replacing it) Joes first response does have the highest probability in fixing the problem if we were to continue to just guess at it without any real testing. chances are the problem is in the ABS electronic or mechanical part. even with that help offered he still tried to tell Joe to kick rocks.

only in this day and age in America can somebody ask for help then tell everyone who offered help to fukc off. enjoy trying to fix your death trap on your own.
ALL OF YOUR "HOLIER THAN THOU" RANTS DO NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT YOU APPARENTLY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF ARROGANT KNOW-IT ALLS. Forgive me for thinking I might find solace in a site that bills itself as a Lincoln forum. You all clearly like to waste your time demeaning others instead of troubleshooting the problem. If you don't know just say "I DON'T FKN KNOW". You don't have to rant and rave about what an idiot I am for not being willing to pay a dealer to further misdiagnose my issue. For God's sake, if you haven't had this issue, or you don't know anything about it, go find a thread you do know something about and actually try to help someone instead of trying to make them feel 2 inches tall. Please leave this forum alone if you don't know what the problem is.
We apparently have a new administrator doling out orders. A newbie at that...

The best advice is still the same... Have a professional do a proper diagnoses. Why are you so averse to having the proper diagnoses done? You apparently have a complex issue that needs a professional touch.
The complex is: I knew I could take it to a dealer to get the problem diagnosed. I don't need everyone on this forum telling me that. I came to this forum in an effort to AVOID going to the dealer. Why does no one here get that. Are each and every one of you Ford investors, Ford Salesmen, Ford mechanics, or what? What good is a forum that just tells everyone to take their car to the dealer?
If you think this is helpful in any way, you're sadly mistaken.

and you think this is an appropriate response to a forum your NOT a member of, and are asking for help on... Smart.

...continuing this argument (after you've received decent advice) is beyond understanding... But hey, keep going, Im sure a thoughtful post is right around the corner.
The complex is: I knew I could take it to a dealer to get the problem diagnosed. I don't need everyone on this forum telling me that. I came to this forum in an effort to AVOID going to the dealer. Why does no one here get that. Are each and every one of you Ford investors, Ford Salesmen, Ford mechanics, or what? What good is a forum that just tells everyone to take their car to the dealer?

Its not that we're "PRO- Dealers"... I ve only been once in 8years/100k miles..

Its just common sense based of logic / and OUR experience with these cars!!! Collectively, we know the ins and outs of just about every issue/problem (yours is pretty rare)... KNOWING your looking for the cheap/ easy way out...our advice is get it properly diagnosed before something bad happens / or you waste another $1000!!!!

The real question is...why so against Dealers... Why is a proper diagnosis sooo offensive. Yes your first dealer sounded poor... so what, go find another, read reviews on them, CALL first!!!!

IT sounds like youd rather hear :

"Hey, probably your ABS module... you should replace that " Guess what, you'll be in the same boat as you were with that mechanic!!! you should appreaticate we're not guessing parts for you, and keeping what CHEAPEST in mind for you...

BUT if you think throwing parts at it, and continuing to lock up brakes on the highway is best... its your car...
I rate this thread +8, lost one point for telling off knowledgeable members and another point for YELLING.

Highly entertaining, would definitely read again. (copyright UpstairsChris 2013)


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