LVC Member
Gotcha. What do you think is the most likely case?
I managed to charge the battery yesterday and put it back in the car. All accessories seem to work, but the car can't crank
... it looks very new. There wasn't much dirt, grime, or corrosion
I've seen a battery blow up in a guys face when a wrench was accidentally dropped,,, and made contact with both the positive and negative battery terminals.not gonna lie, I've seen a wrench or two get spot welded to a support brace or fender a couple of times...
Ok Dear, let's go to the store and get you some EXPENSIVE tools.
- Sorry, just a ramble below -
I have a friend who is trying to start this boy scout like thing. Instead of camping though, it's more of a father and son (and/or daughter) car thing. His idea is that the fathers would buy project cars when the kids are 13 or 14. Then father and kid(s) would work on making the car road worthy so that the kid could have it and drive it at 16. They would have group (scout like) meetings where they would cover the various car systems and earn merits. I like this. I learned a lot about cars helping my father when I was a teen, and I taught my son a good bit when he was a teen.
Darwin tools
Right on. It's a love hate relationship with limited parts.
how old is the battery that is in there now? on top of all of the external causes that could have led to killing the battery, its also possible that it was just time to replace it.