2003 radio problems


New LVC Member
Aug 16, 2015
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My car had the thx navigation sytem the 46 year old kid in me still loves very loud music so there for factory system out new system in New HU component door speakers tweeters in the A pillers and bac side panels new 6x9 mid bass in the rear. deck but I got a factory sub box for that area out of a earlier model LS and one 10" sub a 5 channel v9 alpine for the component door speakers and the 6x9 mid bass and a alpine amp for the sub had it all working great for a week then bam the HU went blank I checked all of the fuses pertaining to the stereo and navigation system and even change them with new ones I previously bought a 2003 factory Ford Electrical system shop manual and go figure the navigation system was not in that one I bought a 2004 one and there it was so I replace the fuses in the cabin fuse box and in the trunk fuse box still nothing so I pulled the HU back out it has power all the time but the ACC or power in start has no power and what the Ford shop manual says that fuse is in the f2 fuse box fuse 2 but like I said before all the fuses pertaining to the sound system and navigation system in both fuse boxes have been replaced I even checked every fuse in the fuse box so does anybody have any ideas
so only one fukcing period in that whole mess of words, and it was by accident huh?

if I'm reading that right, you did put a new head unit in right? if so pull the radio out, use a DDM or volt meter and test the voltage on both the constant wire and the ACC wire. if they are both 12v when the key is on, then your radio is fukced (assuming that you did a good job on wiring everything up and there are no mistakes there)

if one of the wires does not test right, and all of the fuses are good, and you are sure that you don't have a loose or properly terminated wire behind the radio, I would just run a new power wire from either the fuse box or the ignition cylinder (depending on which one isnt working at the radio)
I did not know I had to use proper grammar on a post on here sorry and and using ****ing hmm I guess that is pg14 lol I've already tested with a voltmeter the constant power has 14.4 the running start or accessory wire has 0. All fuses pertaining to the sound system radio navigation been replaced and rechecked like I said I have a Ford electrical shop manual did not know if there was something else in this car I'm not seeing or don't know about ignition switch or?
If you have the wiring diagrams, then it must be clear to you that the accessory power signal for the nav comes from the driver's door module.
My car had the thx navigation sytem the 46 year old kid in me still loves very loud music so there for factory system out new system in New HU component door speakers tweeters in the A pillers and bac side panels new 6x9 mid bass in the rear. deck but I got a factory sub box for that area out of a earlier model LS and one 10" sub a 5 channel v9 alpine for the component door speakers and the 6x9 mid bass and a alpine amp for the sub had it all working great for a week then bam the HU went blank I checked all of the fuses pertaining to the stereo and navigation system and even change them with new ones I previously bought a 2003 factory Ford Electrical system shop manual and go figure the navigation system was not in that one I bought a 2004 one and there it was so I replace the fuses in the cabin fuse box and in the trunk fuse box still nothing so I pulled the HU back out it has power all the time but the ACC or power in start has no power and what the Ford shop manual says that fuse is in the f2 fuse box fuse 2 but like I said before all the fuses pertaining to the sound system and navigation system in both fuse boxes have been replaced I even checked every fuse in the fuse box so does anybody have any ideas

Yeah, I used to like loud music when I was a youth, and now it's absolutely impossible to get rid of the screeching and ringing in my ears, 24/7. After years of loud music, it took just one rock concert to push things over the edge.

I made a bad, stupid choice. Your choice is up to you.

End of sermon..
I did not know I had to use proper grammar on a post on here sorry and and using ****ing hmm I guess that is pg14

You don't have to use proper grammar, but if you want us to understand your problem, it's strongly recommended. Otherwise, this would be a useless board that can't convey information properly because of a lack of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure, with excessive use of outdated texting shortcuts and acronyms. Nobody wants to read a grammatical stream of consciousness.

And yes, PG-13. Maybe even R. This is the internet. The only filter is the automatic word filter. If we're all car owners, we're old enough to hear it.
no, you don't have to use full proper grammar here on the internets, but not doing so (or at least attempting to do so) makes it look like you are of low intelligence. it also makes it very difficult for you to deliver your message across clearly, and most people will just assume if you cant easily deliver your train of thought, then there is no way you're gonna understand the correct response they will give you. or better yet, the educated few will probably jsut stop reading it by the third line and will just move on while you miss out receiving the help you would like from the people most likely to offer the correct help.

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