2004 LS not start

+1 on the guy that sold you the battery A: giving you wrong information B: putting your safely at risk and C: being an idiot
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Battery - Page 264

Your battery is designed to purge any battery gases to the outside of the
vehicle by means of a vent hose. This vent hose MUST be attached at all
times. Replacement batteries must be of the same vented design ...

Batteries normally produce explosive gases which can cause
personal injury. Therefore, do not ...

They put that in the OM so they can't get sued when someone does get hurt from putting a non vented battery into a sealed trunk.
I vented it. Thank you for the heads up.

But now I have a new problem. I installed an aftermarket radio in the car last night. Everything went in just fine. The radio worked, lights, keyless entry and even started the car up.

This morning, I went to go start it for work and now I have nothing. No Keyless, Interior or exterior lights, and it wont start. When I go to start the gauges move and then everything goes blank. The radio stays on while the gauges move then it also goes blank with the gauges. I tested the brand new battery and its fine. I tested where the battery goes into the fuse box in the truck and I have the same reading on voltage. I have checked almost all the fuses in the cab, trunk and under the hood.

I replaced the battery in the remote with one I know works. I even unplugged the battery for a while to reset everything. Still nothing.

For trouble shooting purpose I pulled the radio back out and nothing has changed.
The battery in the remote has nothing to do with it starting.
Turn the headlights on (high beam) and measure the battery voltage with them on. You'll find that it is low. The battery is discharged. (A voltage measurement on a battery under no load is nearly useless.)
Exactly what battery do you have (brand and model number), and how did you vent it?
I have no lights. I have no key-less entry. No power locks. I have no interior lights. No trunk light. Zero power, unless I turn the key on and then I have dash lights and radio (only) working, till I turn the key then they also go black. Meanwhile I still have 12.7 volts in the brand new battery. I have been driving this car for three weeks with the new battery.
Get someone to help you. While they are holding the key in the start position, measure battery voltage. If it is good, then measure voltage between the metal of the car and the fuse box in the trunk. Do the same at fuse box under the hood.
Still interested in knowing the battery brand and model and how it is vented.

Alternately, perhaps you have shorted out or cut your CAN bus...
Why would only half my car have working electronics? The front windows will roll down, the backs wont. But none of my power locks work.
Why would only half my car have working electronics? The front windows will roll down, the backs wont. But none of my power locks work.

Maybe your REM has failed, isn't getting power, or has lost CAN bus communications. The REM controls (among other things) most of the power, the rear windows and all passenger locks (seems like the driver's door lock should be working), the fuel pump, trunk light, ...
The REM is located behind the trunk light.
During your installation and uninstallation of headunit(s) - did you by chance have the battery still connected?
I didnt have the battery connect till after the radio was in. It all worked after I was done. Went to bed and now this is how it sits.

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