We joined the tour in Detroit and from there we traveled to Dayton-OH, Somerset-KY and finally Bristol-TN before returning home. Some pics of the tour...
The Lincolns caught taking a short rest stop the next day...
Rollin' on the Tour...
Some stage antics...
A rare hotel parking lot find...
A beginning of a typical early morning gathering for the driver's morning meeting...
The tour was grueling but absolutely a blast. Late nights and early mornings were the rule of the week.
A typical day began around 7AM gathering all the crew and gassing up before heading off to the driver's meeting. Then on the road for several hours usually with a couple or more short stops along the way. Arrive at the venue, polish the car, walk around the show and vendors. Usually spend some time at the stage events before heading off to the hotel in the evening and ending the night with dinner, a few drinks, some parking lot BS sessions and a few more drinks before finally calling it a night.
I'm not sure how many cars were in attendance but the number had to be in the thousands. To participate in this event is a true test of your mettle.
The Metro-Beach venue in MI was huge but was easily eclipsed by Bristol. The town of Somerset, KY wins the hospitality award hands down. The small towns of OH and KY were cool to drive through seeing all sorts of roadside spectators along the way.
The weather was wet at some part of the day for all but the last day. But for the most part, it wasn't bad. We had a group of up to five Mark VIIs and a Mark V along with my '96 Mark VIII. A Shelby Mustang and another Mustang joined along with the Lincoln clan for most of the tour. Trying to keep such a convoy together in traffic can be exciting at times, but it was just cool rolling together as a group.
Many more pics can be found here...
Sit back and enjoy the slide show.