I'll tell you a funny story about Mexico. I was running my Stang down in Baja on one of the toll roads. I decided to run it up because this road I was on was brand new and very smooth. I had my turbo system setup for about 450hp so I was cooking about 165mph. The locals would run across this road which had a median with little bushes planted. I could see really good so, when they would run across, I had plenty of time to slow if I needed to. Well, I see this person crossing about a half mile. No problem. It was a little old lady with a big sombrerro pushing a cart. No problem. Dude! She dropped something from the cart and stopped right on the zipper to pick it up. I was in the right lane already but, she was on the zipper. Nothing I could do. I went past her at like 135. I didn't hit her but when I looked in the mirror, I didn't see her. I looked again and then I saw her, as she landed. Apples, oranges, and tortillas flying everywhere! She must have had a chin strap because she still had the sombrero on. I had one big problem. I was going south so I needed to turn around. It took me a long time to turn around. By the time I got back to the border, they were looking for me. I was able to fast track through the check point because I had a PORAC sticker my mother gave me. It was a long time before I went down there again. Come to think of it, I never took the mustang down there again.