303 Rear Wheel HP 2005 LS On Dyno

This guy reminds me of a dude named Tanner who I used to go to school with. He was making up all these stories, like how he put a Chevy Tahoe 5.3L V8 in a go-kart, how he manages to run a V8 off of 3 pistons and 4 spark plugs, How his go-kart can run a 6 second quater mile and that his (automatic) shotgun shoots 2000 shells a minute. Some people just think it is cool to do this kind of BS. I'm sure he is BSing us on having a 2006 Lincoln LS too. I also noticed that he kept saying Quik LS was doing things the hard way...well, Quik is doing it the ONLY way....Ken, quit being an ignoramous and a "Tanner" and be quiet before you get banned.
i read all this for nothing? thank u all.. for making me stupid-er(i know its not a word) than i already am.. :)
BanginLS said:
i read all this for nothing? thank u all.. for making me stupid-er(i know its not a word) than i already am.. :)

Got that right, i feel ignorant everytime i read one this guy's ridiculous posts....
I bought this thing a year agon and it sat in my garage. I went out there two weeks ago and I wanted to see how much air it blows....I take my battery charger and hook it to the eRam leads and hold the eRam in one hand and plug the battery charger (12 volts) in with the other hand and the thing starts up and flys out of my hand and ACROSS THE garage, it slammed into the walls and dented the sheet rock!

It was worth reading this thread, just for this discription. I tend to believe that this is the truth, since it sounds exactly like something I'D do!! :lol:
J3FF said:
This guy reminds me of a dude named Tanner who I used to go to school with. He was making up all these stories, like how he put a Chevy Tahoe 5.3L V8 in a go-kart, how he manages to run a V8 off of 3 pistons and 4 spark plugs, How his go-kart can run a 6 second quater mile and that his (automatic) shotgun shoots 2000 shells a minute. Some people just think it is cool to do this kind of BS. I'm sure he is BSing us on having a 2006 Lincoln LS too. I also noticed that he kept saying Quik LS was doing things the hard way...well, Quik is doing it the ONLY way....Ken, quit being an ignoramous and a "Tanner" and be quiet before you get banned.
I think just about everyone knows a "Tanner"
KD00LS said:
Personally, I say we kill him.

I concur...

Nice Ride

Whoa, J3FF...

I'm on dial-up... usually I'd be pissed about someone sticking in a pic that big when it's not relavent to post.

But damn.... that's a nice looking car!

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