84 Mark VII starts to die when going uphill 50+ mph?


LVC Member
Sep 7, 2007
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My 84 Lincoln Mark VII starts to cough,sputter and surge when under load going uphills at 45-50+ miles per hour. The motor is the 302 5.0 ltr CFI your help would be greatly appreciated. When the engine starts cutting out it seems like it is losing fuel and spark at the same time but then it cut right back in, making the vehicle feel like riding a Bull if I keep the pedal floored. Any Ideas what is causing this?
When was the last time routine maintenance was done? Plugs, wires, air filter, fuel filter? I would start there, and also pull codes.
Right on I just posted this less than 10 minutes ago and an answer thanks. on the routine maint. I have done everything except the fuel filter which I am going to go install in a couple hours when it gets light out. Appreciate the prompt reply and I hope this does the trick. I do not know how to go about pulling the codes at this time. I do have the Ford Shop manual for it, covering the wiring, air suspension, pretty much everything except the drive train. If you need any info from it I would be happy to pass it along


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