84 sedan DeVille not idling

So a buddy of mine from,gm took a look at the car, looks like the end of the line going into carb is wrecked and its not getting fuel from north of fuel filter to just before carb replace all line?
wow! that turned over at least once. See that cap there? In line with that tube? Remove it. Press down on the valve. If it sprays fuel on your fingers then you know fuel is getting to THAT point. That is the pressure relief valve for the fuel system. You should have pressure because the pump is working. When you depress the valve the fuel should spray over your fingers, watch your face you dont wanna get gas in your face.

And now you know which line to replace, the fuel feed line with the Schrader valve on it. Now the hard part is WHERE to get it?

You dont have a carburetor. You have throttle body fuel injection.

Yes I said replace that fuel line this morning.

Replace the feed line from the filter to the TB housing. You will only need to replace the return line if it is rusted out. I dont know how they did it at assembly plant. On Ford the feed line runs down one side of the car and the return runs down the other. On some GMs they run both lines down the same side of the car. You have to crawl under and find out after you replace the feed line(and only if the return line is leaking).

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