87 Mark 7 LSC is mine today.


Active LVC Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
seattle washington
Just wanted to thank all of you for your advice. I am going to go and pick up my Mark today. I will take pictures and post them.Thanks again. Many questions to follow I am sure. :steering: :invasion: :woowoo2:
The Mark 7 LSC is mine. It is unbelievable. I drove around all night. I didnt want to get out. I am hooked. Question? Where can I get a Lincoln emblem for the trunk. The glue went bad and it fell off. Also I want to change the gear oil in the rear end, any oils better than others? Anything to look for when I do It? Also what octane gas is the best to run in this beauty?
surfaaron said:
The Mark 7 LSC is mine. It is unbelievable. I drove around all night. I didnt want to get out. I am hooked. Question? Where can I get a Lincoln emblem for the trunk. The glue went bad and it fell off. Also I want to change the gear oil in the rear end, any oils better than others? Anything to look for when I do It? Also what octane gas is the best to run in this beauty?
You can get an emblem off of a parts car from anyone parting a car on one of the forums, or ebay.

For gear oil, and any oil in general, you can't go wrong with Amsoil.

The 5.0 is designed for regular, 87 octane gas. use it.

Congatulations on the car! How much did you end up spending on it?
katz_blk90se said:
Kool!!! Lets see the pics...I purchased a California 90 SE for 1200 with 101k, but it looked rough (and still does). I am saving up for a paint job. Here is a link to some pics:


Thats will be a very nice looking M7 when you get it painted! Glad to see you found your way over here. . .

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