JoeyGood said:
Wait just wait I just had either a brain storm or a brain fart but either way listen to this and see if it makes any sense:
Now given the fact that it was going 500+ MPH (and I think we all agree it was going fast what ever the speed was)
No, it was not moving that fast. It was moving at just above 350 mph.
This guy had time to lower the landing gear before he hit????
WHo said anything about lowering the landing gear? The plane was torn to pieces and exploded.
And if so wouldn’t the force of the hit keep it from going forward and send it backwards thus breaking it off instead of sending through 5 layers of building?
In the military, a hunk of steel moving at 350-400 mph is called a "shell" and it doesn't just bounce off of things.
And where is the rest of the landing gear if it was down?
Fire anything at 350-400 mph at reinforced concrete and see if you can identify it afterwards. Actually, the military already did such a test, and the F4 that they flew into reinforced concrete was completely vaporized. Nothing left bigger than a quarter. I can post the vid if you like.
Yes, pilots can land planes! Shocking revelation!
Show me the proof that both sides don't have things that contradict each other. When it comes to WTC I know what I saw and yes some of the things said about the WTC could happen if you look at both explanations on both sides as well as the plane that went down in PA. The only thing that I am not really convinced about is the Pentagon and what hit it.
What exactly are you asking for?
Literally everything supports the 757 hitting the Pentagon, including 600 local eyewitnesses, some of them who had light poles knocked onto their cars as the 757 flew by knocking them down.
No not actually had cameras that point at the Pentagon but I know for a fact that cameras in these establishments point in different directions and we might be able to see something in the background and that is the same reason that they were taken away from these establishments.
You really believe that some camera at a hotel almost a mile away will have a better camera shot than what we have seen so far? Are you under the impression that they use movie cameras for taped security? Sorry, but all you'll get from there at best is another low resolution frame by frame crapshoot.
But what about the HWY cam that does point towards the Pentagon?
Just a hunch, but it probably points toward the highway.
WOW they actually got through? 2 calls for that matter or were they together? or was it 3 way calling? I couldn't make any calls at all until at least 3 hours ( along with everyone else in the area) after the WTC got hit to let my family know I was OK and not to worry. Did they call from a cell phone or a regular phone? I only ask because I know a lot of people (11) that worked in the area where the pentagon is that tried to use their cell phones and couldn’t. and that minutes after it happened.
Minutes after it happened, there were already other people on the line (like the people who saw it happen

) calling about it.
It was not 2 calls. They were together.