93 deville stalls while accellerating


New LVC Member
Dec 4, 2008
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Bought a nice 93 deville (4.9 L engine) for Mom a while back and it’s been great. For the last month it has stalled slightly during acceleration but has gotten much worse and is now dangerous as it will kill in the middle of the road. I checked the codes and got an E12 and E41 so I replaced the distributor with little improvement. I drove it yesterday and it feels like a fuel delivery problem or a bad TPS but no trouble codes come up to indicate either of these maladies. Once up to speed, and if one is careful to slowly accelerate, the car won't stall and has plenty of power. I hate to replace fuel pumps, filters, sensors, pressure regulators, nos tanks (just kidding, Mom would love that!) etc. without a clear idea of what the real problem is. Your expert help and advice are welcomed.
i would recommend cadillacforums.com much more cadillac guys that might know the problem.
E12-Distributor Signal Fault
but i think the E41 is the cam sensor, but there are much more experienced people on here then me, they will pitch in. try replacing the cam sensor.
93 deville again

Installed new TP sensor with no luck. Drove the thing 30 miles, feels like it’s running out of gas. It stalled 2 or three times (lots of fun on I-15 in Salt Lake at rush hour) but started right again. Anything more than ½ throttle results in stalling. It’s got to be a bad fuel pump or pressure regulator or maybe as simple as a clogged filter?
i am having the same problem with my 91 deville, i changed out the injectors, plugs, cables, cap and rotor, and fuel filter, and the problem got closer to going away, the next thing is the oil pump...

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