94 mk VIII trans problem!!!!


New LVC Member
Apr 13, 2011
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I just picked up a 94 mark a couple weeks ago, has 100k on it. It was starting to have the symptoms with delayed shifting and shift hunting. So I decided to do the 1-2 accumulator replacement. Pulled the old stuff out, and both upper and lower springs were broken. Also piston was beat up. but the walls where the piston goes was fine.
So I installed a new upper spring, accumulator piston and seal, new fluid and filter. But the trans still wasnt shifting right.
So yesterday i just replaced the MLPS, and it still has the same problem. Delayed shifts( shifts high in rpm), shift hunting. and its doin the whole feels like it goes into neutral while trying to accelerate.
Any1 have any ideas on what to so now?????
Inside the pan you have the SS1 and SS2 shift solenoid. Comes in one piece and two 8mm or 10mm bolts holds it down and one plug goes in. Very easy to swap and it might help but it's about a $40 chance. If you do swap it, take your old one because some parts stores don't have the same bolt pattern. The part with two silver boxes.

whats your oppinion. Do you think it would be worth tryn to change the solenoids out? I just get the feeling the trans is shot. thinkin about tryn to find a used 1 to just put in
Well, if it were me, I'd be looking for a 98. It will require swapping out the electrical internals from the 94 to the 98 which takes about an hour and not even a high school diploma. Spend the $30 on it for new front and rear seals and two valve body gaskets and do a J-Mod on it too. You will be amazed when it's completed. Try to find 100K or less if possible.

Have you done or know any1 thats done the j-mod and no 1-2 shift lower spring? Iv seen some people say it shifts to hard.

And on the 98 trans, should i look for 1 with or without ID PKE-AD
Have you done or know any1 thats done the j-mod and no 1-2 shift lower spring? Iv seen some people say it shifts to hard.

And on the 98 trans, should i look for 1 with or without ID PKE-AD

I have done it and honestly, I would leave the bottom spring in. I had upgraded accumulators and springs that I had put in my 94 when I had it. I took the new 1-2 accumulator out and put it in the 68K 98 trans and j-modded it and it had a hell of a 2nd gear. If you drive normally, it's not real bad but you will know when it hits 2nd. I would j-mod and leave springs in.

Any 98 Mark VIII trans will work.

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