well you guys may see the car on here if he decides to join but after i see it leave this weekend i wont be returning here, maybe someday down the road but i'm finished. i had lots of changes recently come up, and more to make, and thats all i am concerned with right now. its been fun and :q:q:q:qty here, but i have to move on i'm putting the last 12 years behind me. my 98 is going up for sale too i am buying my wife a smaller 4 door gas sipper, she wants it i didnt suggest it. i have a family to take care of i'm tired of this online life i have i dont want it anymore. so thats about it. i hope ryan enjoys the car. he is actually good friends with my buddy jake who lives near me. jake new he liked my car, and when i told jake i was selling it, he told ryan, now it will be gone this weekend. so back into a truck for me it fits my lifestyle, these cars dont anymore.