A/C problem


New LVC Member
Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
West Texas
My LS V8 overheated. After that happened my A/C only blows HOT air. Not outside temp, full on hot on both sides.

Any ideas what to check first?
If you had spent just a few minutes searching, you would have your answer.

For the AC/heat problem - You need a new DCCV.
For the overheating - You need to replace all the plastic cooling system parts.
Thank you for the ridicule. The overheating is corrected already.

I searched but I was using a mobile device and it was difficult to find a similar situation. Didn't see if anyone had an A/C issue after overheating.
Thank you for the ridicule. The overheating is corrected already.

I searched but I was using a mobile device and it was difficult to find a similar situation. Didn't see if anyone had an A/C issue after overheating.
What did you do to correct the problem, as to help others in the future that might have the same issue that you in countered?
There was a leak in the back side of the inlet pipe coming off the bypass. As was suggested above all the composite components on the front top of the motor were replaced.

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