A Clearcut example of Bush Brilliance

Thank you. That was very respectful and I do respect the RW opinion. I just don't agree with it. From your perspective I can see why you think the way you do. Why can't you guys on the right just refute without telling me that I'm wrong for how I feel? I've gained some insight from this site. Bryan will tell you that he has changed my mind on several issues and I believe I've at least made him think about my position, sometimes.

Where is the middle on this? This site seems to attract both extremes and beats up the guys in the middle. We really do need a middle or we'll end up like so many failed civilizations, like Iraq and Iran.
ToddG said:
In my view, his opinion, like many other more liberal people, is based on feelings instead of plain, unbiased, objective facts,

In my opinion GWB reacted to things that proved to not be "facts", so that negates your statement that that is a Liberal trait. Did he have plain, unbiased facts to work with? Why do you hold GWB's detractors to a different standard than you hold him or any of his supporters?
Well certainly there is a double standard. Imagine if Clinton went to Iraq on false premises? YIKES!!! If he gets impeached for a BJ'er, he would have been executed for lying about this war...
RRocket said:
Well certainly there is a double standard. Imagine if Clinton went to Iraq on false premises? YIKES!!! If he gets impeached for a BJ'er, he would have been executed for lying about this war...

Clinton was impeached for perjury and suborning perjury. They're both felonies.
barry2952 said:
In my opinion GWB reacted to things that proved to not be "facts", so that negates your statement that that is a Liberal trait. Did he have plain, unbiased facts to work with? Why do you hold GWB's detractors to a different standard than you hold him or any of his supporters?

I do not, but his detractors make outrageous claims that have little or no factual basis for support. I'm all for responsible criticism, but when you have Ted Kennedy saying publically that the war was a fraud cooked up in Crawford, or that it was retribution for the assassination attempt on GW's dad, or that its all for oil, those statements are simply rhetoric designed to enrage the political opposition. I disregard such statements because they are not backed up by any evidence, but many of the critics take it as gospel without a second though.

Here's my thinking on this.

There has been much from the President's critics that he lied about intelligence in order to take the country to war with Iraq. However, if you believe that the President lied, you must believe that it was done deliberately and intentionally -- there must be an intent to deceive. These elements are necessary for a lie (e.g., knowing the truth but deliberately telling someone something else). But I've seen no evidence to suggest that the president made any deliberate deception of any kind. Without evidence of a deliberate and intentional deception, I find it hard to accept that he lied about the intelligence.

Assuming you agree with all that, how does one resolve the issue that no stockpiles of WMD were found despite intelligence saying they were there? From all the facts and evidence I've seen, what happened was that the intelligence was flawed, but no one knew it at the time it was used to make policy decisions about going to war with Iraq. Remember, the intelligence we used was the same intelligence that a variety of foreign intelligence services saw, the UN saw, and the Clinton administration saw. And everyone agreed that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD. Since this evidence was widely accepted as true, it was used by the adminstration (after the events of 9/11) as one justification (among many) for invading Iraq. No one knew at the time that this intelligence was flawed -- not the President, not George Tenent, not Dick Cheney, not Don Rumsfeld, not Colin Powell, not Tony Blair, not Kofi Annan. Everyone thought it was correct. When it turned out to be incorrect, the President's critics say he lied about intelligence. But that conclusion doesn't follow. He didn't lie. He used false intelligence information about one aspect of Saddam's situation to honestly formulate one aspect of a larger policy decision. Since the President honestly believed the intelligence that was presented to him and his administration was correct, I cannot conclude he lied when stockpiles of WMD were not found.

The president's critics, on the other hand, do not accept this. They say there is something more nefarious going on, but they cannot provide any evidence for it. This is why I say most of the critics (who happen to be largely liberal) are basing their conclusions on "a feeling" than on hard evidence. I say present the credible evidence to me and I will consider it and adjust my beliefs accoridngly.

The real question we should be asking, regardless whether you are conservative, liberal, Democrat or Republican, is what can be done to make sure the intelligence our country collects, analyzes, and uses is accurate. That's the root problem here. The whole business about the president lying is more rhetoric than anything else and distracts from the true problem that needs to be fixed.
Clinton lying about getting a BJ'er = BAD

Bush lying about reasons for war and 2217 Americans dying (and counting) = OK?
Bush lying about reasons for war and 2217 Americans dying (and counting) = OK?

See, Barry, people blurt out the "Bush Lied" rhetoric without any evidence or critical analysis.

Again, I'm not opposed to criticism of the administration or an opposing view, but please have it grounded in a factual basis. There is no factual basis that I know of to support the claim that the President lied about anything. If I'm wrong please enlighten me.
Well. Once again, the liberal agenda of repeating the talking points of 'Bush lied' has hijacked yet another thread. What a surprise. You fiberals cannot keep from changing the subject anytime it is shown you are wrong about something.

This thread is about Bush's brilliance in war strategy, and you Fibs are degrading it into another useless debate about supposed lies told by Bush, which has been refuted AGAIN AND AGAIN on other threads. I have not heard ONE argument against Bush's brilliance in this thread yet. Must be that you have none.

That said, I have one point to make for RRocket:

There is absolutely NO comparison between what Japan did in 1941 and what we did in Iraq.

1. They had not been at war with us before. We had been at war with Iraq just 10 years before.
2. Their attack on us was unprovoked and, at the time, there was no apparent reason for it. We had several UN resolutions to back up our action.
3. Their attack on us was without warning. We gave Iraq over a dozen chances to prevent our actions.
4. We had never threatened Japan before the attack. Iraq had threatened us and Israel numerous times in the years leading up to the war.
Iraq didn't attack us. That where your argument is severely flawed.
barry2952 said:
Iraq didn't attack us. That where your argument is severely flawed.

No, actually, 'Iraq didn't attack us' IS part of my argument. RRocket's the one trying to compare 1941 to the Iraq war.

Try reading the posts before you respond.

barry2952 said:
Iraq didn't attack us. That where your argument is severely flawed.

Technically, the did by firing on our planes in the No-Fly Zone in violation of the UN Resolutions. Remember, the 1991 Gulf War was supposed to end by Saddam (1) removing himself from Kuwait, and (2) completely disarming, including WMD. He did not do #2, so the 1991 war never really ended -- the time between then and 2003 was considered by many to be a long pause.

Is that a Volvo I see in your icon? Aren't you worried about offending your RW buddies? You could be labeled a Leftocrat for even admiring a foreign made car.

I read your post. You made it appear that we had been attacked by Iraq on our soil. If that was not your intent, I stand corrected.
ToddG said:
Technically, the did by firing on our planes in the No-Fly Zone in violation of the UN Resolutions. Remember, the 1991 Gulf War was supposed to end by Saddam (1) removing himself from Kuwait, and (2) completely disarming, including WMD. He did not do #2, so the 1991 war never really ended -- the time between then and 2003 was considered by many to be a long pause.

That's where you and I differ. No one has proven to me that Iraq still had WMD. Prove it and I'll jump fence. Sound fair?
barry2952 said:
That's where you and I differ. No one has proven to me that Iraq still had WMD. Prove it and I'll jump fence. Sound fair?

Barry, the WMD's where shipped to Syria, duh....
Vitas said:
Here come dumb and dumber. How precious.

Thanks for the compliment! But the notion that the WMD’s were shipped to Syria comes from the Righties. So in essence, you're calling your own cohorts 'dumb & dumber'
95DevilleNS said:
So in essence, you're calling your own cohorts 'dumb & dumber'

You have to date shown no deductive reasoning ability whatsoever. It is really humorous to watch you keep trying to.
barry2952 said:
That's where you and I differ. No one has proven to me that Iraq still had WMD. Prove it and I'll jump fence. Sound fair?

No. YOU prove that Bush LIED. Then we'll talk. Until then, your argument should be in another thread, the one where we've discredited your assertion.

This thread is about Bush's brilliance in war tactics. Despite your efforts to flash/distract and change the subject, I again point out that you have not offered up even one point that refutes my analysis.

Why don't you just accept it: Bush is smarter than you give him credit for.
barry2952 said:

Is that a Volvo I see in your icon? Aren't you worried about offending your RW buddies? You could be labeled a Leftocrat for even admiring a foreign made car.

Leftocrat? Isn't that a Vitas word? What makes you think I care one whit about what he says? :p
Vitas said:
You have to date shown no deductive reasoning ability whatsoever. It is really humorous to watch you keep trying to.

Lets see.......

1) Barry asked someone to prove that Saddam had WMD's (post #38)
2) I said they were moved to Syria (post #39)
3) You called me dumb(er) for it (post #40)
4) The 'WMD's being shipped to Syria' idea is generally held by the people you agree/side with in here.

Deductively reason those four points Batman.
fossten said:
No. YOU prove that Bush LIED. Then we'll talk. Until then, your argument should be in another thread, the one where we've discredited your assertion.

This thread is about Bush's brilliance in war tactics. Despite your efforts to flash/distract and change the subject, I again point out that you have not offered up even one point that refutes my analysis.

Why don't you just accept it: Bush is smarter than you give him credit for.

Wasn't smart enough to not get caught in this lie. Refute this:

"Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution."
~George W. Bush April 2004
barry2952 said:
When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.
Monitoring millions upon millions of calls for certain types of language is a long way away from 'chasing down terrorists' after that monitoring has become a lead.:Bang :Bang :Bang

And you know something. I would be OK with ANY President lying about what we are or want to do when it comes to terrorists. There are no rulebooks. If a terrorists hears we are not monitoring but we are, and drops his guard to reveal himself, great, I'm all for it.

Look what the New York Times story did. Thousands of disposable cell-phones were purchased in the US for export shortly after the story broke. Why, because the bad guys figured it is easier to use a phone once and throw it away, therefore rendering most of our intelligence capablililty useless. Why are you lefties not enraged over that? I am patiently waiting for the next attack. And I am sure it will be a doozy. The fact that we have to fight our OWN people over the security of this nation is a sad, sad commentary on how pathetically divided this nation has become. The fact that you people on the left have absolutely no conscience is a joke.

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