A few Headlight Questions


Active LVC Member
May 26, 2016
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I have a 94 Mark VIII and my headlights are miserable after almost driving off a dark road one night, I tried to half ass polish it and just wet sanded the lens and then used a polishing bluff and various compounds on my bench grinder and got the lens to look pretty clear but it still really didn't help. So I started to do a ton of research. From what I understand the best thing to do is cut the lens off with a dremel polish it and then coat the housing with trim brite. Ive done some research and found a company that does plastic chroming and seems reasonable they even do chrome reflectors for flash lights. I started looking for some cores on eBay and bought the best set I could find. Well it turns out these must have been either off a low low low mileage car or they were replaced before it was junked. I got a set for $160 shipped that have perfect chrome inside, and are actually bright, the lenses are clear and everything. I am honestly shocked at how much light these things throw!! I laid one housing on the radiator support and hooked it up and left the other original light in the car and its so bright and white you actually cant see the light from the other housing.

Now for the questions

First I know heat is what kills the housings, HID's make more light but, they still produce a dencent amount of heat. So Ive done some research and Ive found a 9005 conversion kit to use LED lights. They would use less power so that's less fatigue on the headlight circuit, also they barely generate heat, and a lot of tests show them to be brighter then HID's. So I'm considering them. Ive found 2 types one with a large powerful light at the tip of the bulb and ones without. Would a light at the end be better so it shoots straight into the reflector? Is anybody using them?

My reflectors seem to be a satin black finish and dont look burned, is that what theyre supposed to look like?

The new lights look like the clear coat is just starting to check at the bottom, almost like the clear coat does on our Marks. Its only a small amount maybe an 1/8 of an inch or less going right across the bottom. What do you guys recommend?

Some newer cars have black paint around the perimeter of the lens where you cant see it do you think it will do anything to help the beam.

My thinking was to do the LED conversion and then also rewire the high beam switch so you get all 4 with the high beams on and I figure they should throw light like the sun....

Then I want to cut open my old ones and send them out to get rechromed and see how they are by comparison.
Cutting the lense off is the old way. heat is the way. I put them in the oven, 200-250 degrees, until sealant gets loose, and lense comes right off. Some guys use a heat gun. Clean all old sealant off the housing, and lense, and it'll go back together much better. I use the heat gun to remove old sealant from housing.
Thanks Tony, I wasnt sure about putting them in the oven. I read a few posts where people said they ruined the housings that way.

Have you had any experience with the other questions I have?
These baffle me. By looks, the first most resembles the stock unit. If it works, I would broadcast your success to everyone on Facebook LVC
I've had 6K HID's 35 watt in new housings since 2010 and they still look like they did when I put them in. Heat comes
from the normal halogen bulbs. HID's are nowhere near as hot. Not enough to burn the upper chrome off anyway. I
have never burned a halogen bulb in these housings, although they came new with them already installed, they were
removed first thing, when I put the HID's in the lows and brights. Highs and lows.jpg

Highs and lows.jpg
Really? thats awesome I may go HID instead of LED. Im not sure now. What HID bulbs do you use?
Unless something has changed with the LED's, they're just not bright enough to really see ahead of you. I few have tried them
and have said that the LED's looked bright when looking at them but that was about all. Some on here have went with 55 watt
kits but I believe most have went with the 35 watt kits. I've personally never tried the 55 watt so, I'm unable to say if they're
any brighter than what I have now. If I had a Gen 2, I'd likely go with a 55 watt kit but since the bucket for the low beams are
smaller on Gen 1's, the 35 watt should be more than sufficient. The brightness is going to depend on how good your reflective
chrome is on the inside of the housings and also how clear the lens itself is, obviously. BTW, the profile pic below is old and I haven't
had HID housings in for years. I need to change that pic. Here is one from February, during the daytime, with just the lows on.
I got the kit directly from Kensun and the bulbs are 6K. Yes, there are cheaper kits out there but Gen 1's are bad about flicker,
whereas the Gen 2's aren't. So far, the Kensun kit has never flickered. I went through a few different kits when I had the BoB 94
and seen my share of flickering. Here's the website I ordered from. A few on here have the same kit and a lot have went with
a kit from ddmtuning.com but 9005 is the bulb size for halogen housings. 6K or 8K is about as high as I'd go. If you like blue,
go with a 10K bulb but if you want a bright white, like shown below, try the 6K or even the 5K. It's all about preference and
what you like. Here's the site I ordered from. http://kensun.com/9005/

FEB 10-2 FRONT.jpg

FEB 10-2 FRONT.jpg
You guys are really persuading me to go for the HID's, Where did you guys hide the ballasts?
I didn't hide mine anywhere. I just left them sitting in the little area behind the headlights underneath the flaps. Been like that for over 3 years and it's been fine.
At almost $300 it seems a lot to experiment with. I have never tried LED but if they truly are brighter and you adjust how deep they sit into the headlight so it reflects at the right spot I could see those working. But LED, HID or anything won't really help if the chrome is gone. Your best and cheapest bet is more important on the condition of the chrome(reflection part of headlight) than the bulb IMO. I'm not sure if you posted a picture of the condition anywhere but that is your first step.

On a side note I wish i would have been able to find spare housings to complete a few projector housings so people wouldn't have this issue but I couldn't really find spares in junkyards. But i'm away at school now so it might be a while before I can make some. But why i'm saying this is because it is possible and can be done and is probably the only long term option that will last the life of the car (unless if you can find great condition headlights). You can see the build thread there: http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/forum/showthread.php?97078-Gen-I-projector-install

After about 8 months (before I left) they still looked great and I had no issues till then so again it's a viable option. Picture before I left (crappy but the only one i have)


My housings look perfect, If it wasn't for the slight clear peeling like less than the width of a tooth pick at the very bottom where they meet the bumper I would think they were NOS. So I was just looking for a super bright bulb that produces the least amount of heat. LED's on eBay go for between $30-$90 and are equal to 55w so it sounds like a good idea. I'm just not sure if I want the led with the projector in the front or not.

I think I found your build a while ago and was actually considering it but LSC housings are outrageously expensive, especially considering your average 1st gen is only worth around $1000, and I don't have access to a blow mold setup to make my own lens.

That being said these new housings are amazing compared to what was on my car, I can actually see things at night, but they just don't have the intensity new cars have. Obviously tech has gotten better and that's why, but I have to believe if they were properly adjusted with a really bright bulb that wouldn't cook the poorly made housings like they were in a microwave, Id be really happy.

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