Again this is your belief not a fact. What "otherness"??? im sorry but if you're referring to marriage with objects or animals well they don't have knowledge of consent nor can they give it so that point is invalid. Your whole idea that when society departs from one man-one woman is a opinion but I will say I have seen more kids from result of rape, violence or negligence come from a "one man one woman marriage". If that is your issue than your first point of worry should be on negligence of kids or abuse of spouses and degradation of morals in a family. Do you also define a family as a man and woman with kids?? Say what you want but your aim is on the wrong people for lack of society morals for marriage.
You can look up the statistics for abuse and negligence of kids in a same sex household and a tradition household. Until then don't make assumptions.
The most reliable evaluations will show that homosexuality is evident in about three to four percent of the population. Since that leaves ninety six to ninety seven percent of the population that AREN'T homosexual, the origin for the use of the term 'otherness' should be self-evident. And please don't set up straw-man suppositions or put words in my mouth in an attempt to bolster your position.
Since kids CAN'T come from any sort of homosexual union it seems clear that all sorts of kid-related situations, either for good or ill, will come from one man-one woman relationships.
Children aren't necessary in order for there to be a family.
My comments originate from my academic background and seriously conducted scientific studies, not from assumptions of any sort.
And I have no problem with same-sex unions so long as they aren't jammed in society's face along with strident demands that society must accept and welcome their 'otherness'. It's none of my business until you demand that I tell you it's alright. I don't believe it is. It's my belief that causation comes from the direction of 'nurture, not nature'. And there's no single causative factor in so complex a situation.
I'll agree, if you like, that if you don't tell me about your relationship, I won't tell you about mine.
I make no assumption regarding you as an individual. All my comments are directed to that segment of society that's the focus of this discussion.