about to do some work on my transmission.


LVC Member
May 21, 2013
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HI LVC members,

I have a 2003 ls v8 with 128k+ and i have been having problems with my transmission shifting hard from 1stto 2nd and the miss shifts from 2nd to 4th then down shifts to 3rd then back to 4th then hard shift to 5th. i already bought another transmissions and installed it but its doing the samething as my old one, so im just going to rebuild the one i have out. i was wondering if the stuff im going to buy will fix my problem, im going to buy a 1)transmission solenoid pack,shift kit,trans filter. is ther aything else you guys can reccomend or should do or just take it in to a shop and have them rebuild it thanks.
More than likely it doesn't need a complete rebuild. The shifting issues are normally caused by the shift soleniod or a broken spring. Replace the solenoid and install the shift kit and you should be fine. Neither is very hard to do. Get it flushed at the dealer so you know all the fluid is new and at the correct level.
sweet ok thanks im going to order the parts tomorrow. i have the trans out already so it wont be hard.
please let us know if it works. One thing i learned...
What you read about repairs; it has nothing to do with whats happening now to your car but if it happens later.
My car had really screwed up 2-3 and 3-4 shifts. A trans shop rebuilt the trans after a local dealer said it was ok electrically. It wasn't the problem! The PCM was bad and replaced for about $400. Problem solved.
yeah i have seen this but i have been looking at the tools to do it my self and i cant find the tools cheaper than $350.
My car had really screwed up 2-3 and 3-4 shifts. A trans shop rebuilt the trans after a local dealer said it was ok electrically. It wasn't the problem! The PCM was bad and replaced for about $400. Problem solved.

GREAT... now what do i do???? thats what i hate about these things, what works for one didnt work for another and vise versa. is there a way i can get my pcm scanned before dropping $400 to fix something that wasnt even broken.
GREAT... now what do i do???? thats what i hate about these things, what works for one didnt work for another and vise versa. is there a way i can get my pcm scanned before dropping $400 to fix something that wasnt even broken.
I'm going to say no. My car went to three shops. The first one was a trans shop who said it's not the trans. His scanned showed the trans operating properly. So, I took it to the dealer who scanned it, and said electrically ok, and took $200 from me. They wanted to pull the trans, but no way I'm paying dealer price for a transmission. So, I took it to a another trans shop who overhauled the trans then called me to say it needs a PCM. The trans does shift better and had a torque converter surge that was fixed, so I'm not too upset. The total was $2200 for the trans and PCM.
ok well im going to have a trans guy look at the one i have out and hopfully he can tell me whats up with it tomorrow.
For whatever reason, LS seem to be developing some history of bad PCM's. Some feel that there may be a link between ignition misfires and PCM failures. So as part of your repairs if it is the PCM I'd: fix any valve cover leak, replace the sparkplugs, and replace the sparkplug boots.

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