is it the 12th Rollin?
Ben, didn't you enter that photo last year? It looks familiar.
16 entries so far.
Here's mine:
i really really really like this picture.. Sure i wish the front tire was turned the other way,, but the pearl in the paint really shows and it just looks crisp.
What is the deadline again?
xford, you have the wheels turned the wrong direction!
now that can be photoshopped !!!!! :shifty:
You know its funny I was not going to enter this year because I have not been very active on the forum and have done very little in the way of enhancements to my car over the last couple of years. As a result I decided to simply drive the LS up to the top of my work parking structure and snap a quick pic to enter for fun. I use a modest Nikon compact and typically like to shoot a few shots on road trips that I have shared (and entered) in the past.
Now I get input about the direction of my wheels (and drizz I think you have the best camera, one of my favorite rides, and take the best shots of anyone on this site) and G saying what? I am somehow cheating or something? I think my prior calendar entries and photos of my car speak for themselves. I don't treat this thing like some kind of audition for lead photographer at Car and Driver or some "who's best" contest.
Rollin I appreciate the effort you always put into the annual Calendar. I ask, however, you remove my submission - Its just not fun for me anymore...