Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

+1 on the STI.

My car is pretty quick but no way would i run it against STI. Stock they put down 230 to all four wheels. With a slight tune they can go 260+ with stock boost levels I beleive.
Anyone here Ever race a TL-s with their lincoln??

I did in my bone stock 98 LSC and I lost.:D Worse yet, it was some girl driving the TL too.:rolleyes: That among other events in my life put me on the quest to go faster. Cars are coming a long ways these days. An LS V8 was a pretty even match with my car when it was stock. That's another one of those events. :p

I heard some talk on here about switching in a different rear-end in the LS platform cars?? Seriously, I'm a NOOB when it comes to the Lincoln LS but I'd bet a set of 4.10s in an LS would be pretty sick. Has anyone done it?
I heard some talk on here about switching in a different rear-end in the LS platform cars?? Seriously, I'm a NOOB when it comes to the Lincoln LS but I'd bet a set of 4.10s in an LS would be pretty sick. Has anyone done it?

ive read that "4.10s" in some of your sigs.. no idea what it is. I originally thought subs, but knew that couldnt be right lol.
Yes. There are a couple members on here who have gears in the LS. Both first Gen's since the pumpkin on the 2nd Gen is an issue if you want to swap for gears or LSD.
I'm sure there is probably some times listed somewhere if search around.

02LSE96LSC91SE84TC has 4.10's in his LS. He might have been the first one to do the swap. I don't remember now.
lol well theres no way he spent 40k+ if he bought it used. So the price difference right now realistically is more like 10-15 thousand. but i mean do as you please with your car, i dont like putting strain on my tranny or burning fuel for that matter. However i have a CDL so im not trying to pay double-priced tickets either. The race is probably a toss up that you'll never know untill you get to it.

I only raced one car in my LS when i bought it i so happen to get lined up against a rsx type s, we were neck and neck till 3rd gear when i took lead and got on the highway. Sure it felt good to beat some dude trying to show off infront of his girl, but i dont even flatter people like that anymore.

No, he spent 50 thousand.
he subleased from a guy. that guy leased the car for 55 thousand and only paid 5 thousand into the lease when my buddy took over. he is STILL paying for the car 2 years. the lease is almost up and now he has to buy back the car at 27 thousand
Take him to the twisties and watch him fade in your rear view! There's more to fast than just a straight line.
Take him to the twisties and watch him fade in your rear view! There's more to fast than just a straight line.

That's why I'm ditching the airbag suspension on my Mark VIII. I may or may not want to try out the road course just to see what an ox cart can do. It won't be pretty, but it should be slightly better. Hopefully it will be a little less clumsy through the twisties. LOL
i almost LOLed myself right out of my seat at the thought of an LS hanging with, let alone beating a STI! whooo, that is some good sh!t!
I think I want some of whatever the OP is smoking, must be some high dollar stuff lmao. No but really the dude is probably 14.
The young grasshopper, if he ever gets to the track, will soon find out that street racing is nothing like a 1/4 mile strip. Now you're sitting at a tree trying to launch the car as best as you can and are being timed and recorded by laser beams. You don't get that detailed of a setup on the street. I like to call street racing, "sloppy racing". The track will disappoint the noobs. Kind of like the kid running his GTO at the track up against my Mark VIII. He would have done pretty good up against me on the street but I had the sticky mickies at the track and he was running street tires. Shame shame.... I won't even tell you his e/t because it is embarrasing to every GTO owner out there. :rolleyes:
Sorry but the LS has nothing to do with Mitsubishi. Glad you fixed it now you can go burn the :q:q:q:q out of it again.

If you need to be educated on the history of FoMoCo vehicles we can help you out. But Mitsubishi is not and never has been associated with ford.

And i don't pick asses I rather not do what you do.

Not worth my time, have a nice night, good luck with getting your fender fixed :)
Take him to the twisties and watch him fade in your rear view! There's more to fast than just a straight line.

Another point,
My buddy says his TL will DESTROY my car sround a track involoving corners.
Says his suspension alone cost more than my whole car lol dont know much about TL suspension there, so i have no clue if he can.

Says his "Brembo Breaks" alone slotter my LS breaks, even though his rotors arnt slotted or drilled, whereas my rotors are both + im running Reysbestos Full ceramic pads.
And about "sticky mickies" comment,
Im running Kumho Y/Z rated tires with silica. 235 wide (stock). Even in rain its hard to slip. Warm those babies up and ill launch without a hitch. Unless the track is more slippery than a country road street at a stop sign?!?
i almost LOLed myself right out of my seat at the thought of an LS hanging with, let alone beating a STI! whooo, that is some good sh!t!

K here what Happend :::

It was a Roll start, and FYI, HE hammered it first.
I accellerated at 3000 RPM off the green light, i guess he saw me accellerate quickly and wanted to show off, and i noticed him pulling up quick, and when his front bumper reached mine i dropped the pedal to the floor. My car was still in first gear.

By the end of my first, i looked over and his car JUST shifted before mine (i saw his front dip then lift) and he had pulled 2 feet on me, then I switched into second, and we both Hammered our second gears. He then shifted into 3rd again JUST before i shifted into third and he gained 2 more feet.

As we both Ran in third gear, every 10 KM/H of speed increase, my LS gained back almost 2 feet. By 145 KPH i had my front bumper ahead of his, and pulled more on him up to 155 KPH. I knew right there he was done so i let off the pedal and applied breaks. He whizzed right passed me, and as he did, i saw a pissed look on his face, and his friend laughing.

He started it, prolly thought he was gonna eat my car cause he had me on first and second, but my bet is, he didnt expect to get dropped like a rock on third.

Same situation happend to me on a Infinity G37XS, guy was a dik and cut me off. Both at redlight, he squaked his tires to out accellerate me. I ddint realise the G37XS wanted to race, so i then dropped my pedal (im always last to punch it). We were equal first and second, then third gear kicked in... BYE BYE :cool:


OH and BOTH of these raced, i had 3/4 tank gas AND 2 12 inch 1000 watt subs in a big ass box in the trunk. = weaight
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Brampton drivers lol.

Don't get caught. You know what happens here in Ontario.. :(

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