Adding RCA'S


LVC Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Ok guys, I know this topic has been discussed alot over the past few years, but maybe I need some info. I recently installed an amp & subs in my '05 LS, it's been working fine for the past few days & once again, i go out & strt the car & this screeching noise reappears again. The last time i just replaced the Scosche & it worked fine & now it's happend again. This is the second LOC in 4 days. I'm thinking about splicing RCA'S into the rear signal & straight to the amp, I've noticed a few members have done this, but I also noticed that it's not a good thing to do. Please, any info would be appreciated.
Ive done this, just make sure you splice into the signal before it goes into the stock amp.
So anywhere along the wiring in the left side of the trunk?
I have mine tapped right before the rear deck subs. Have you lowered the gain pot on the left and right sides on the LOC?
Yes, but i'm wondering why all the sudden would it just start making that noise if it was fine the night before.
It's tapped into the rear sub wires, should I bring them out back towards the amp?
Don't see why you'd have to? Mine are that way and I've never had a problem? Maybe check the amp? Dunno man, hard to diagnose from here without messin' with it.
Just out of curiousity, how far do you have the gains set on the LOC, thanks for your input.
I think you should just do the system right. Get a real head unit and wire everything properly. And if you are gonna keep doing it the same way, Then try adding a line driver and some ground filters into the equation. Trust me they can only help, When I redo my system this winter I will post all the pics I can on here. I am still tracking down a few loose items that are getting harder to find.
i didnt use a LOC and dont seem to be having any troubles. I tapped into the wires behind the trunkliner on the drivers's side trunk.
Eric0508, did you plug the harness back together & stilled used the rear factory subs?
Eric0508, did you plug the harness back together & stilled used the rear factory subs?

yes, but i installed a switch that allows me to select between the stock subs and the alpine for when i need the extra trunk space.

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