AdvanceTrac Light

Just gets better and better. Spoke with the shop owner. He was nice and listened to everything I had to say. But then followed-up with an email basically stating that they found a used brake booster that they will install, if he determines that their shop caused the damage. News flash, the connector was clearly broken very recently (by them) because there's not a spec of dust on it. Had it been broken long before I brought the car into the shop, then it would be coated in dust, just like the exterior of the surfaces around it. Anyways, I see several sites with re-manufactured brake boosters. I understand that the Motorcraft brake booster is discontinued, but it's totally not acceptable to put a used part into my car. Why do people make everything so difficult in life. Replace the part that you broke, with a new part, end of discussion.
Just gets better and better. Spoke with the shop owner. He was nice and listened to everything I had to say. But then followed-up with an email basically stating that they found a used brake booster that they will install, if he determines that their shop caused the damage. News flash, the connector was clearly broken very recently (by them) because there's not a spec of dust on it. Had it been broken long before I brought the car into the shop, then it would be coated in dust, just like the exterior of the surfaces around it. Anyways, I see several sites with re-manufactured brake boosters. I understand that the Motorcraft brake booster is discontinued, but it's totally not acceptable to put a used part into my car. Why do people make everything so difficult in life. Replace the part that you broke, with a new part, end of discussion.
Roflmao. Sounds like the shop I took my LS to have valve cover gaskets +plugs and coils done. Took it back to them and the guy just flat out told me "Just drive it and stop being so critical of it." They didnt even top it off when they did the VCGs, so lord knows how long my LS was run low on oil! Fuc*ing pricks pull that nonsense because it's not their car.
While I do agree with you, I suspect that you are stuck with this.
Yeah, I know. Car is getting too expensive to keep on the road, and with only garbage aftermarket parts to replace with it means replacing some of these parts even more often.
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Yeah, I know. Car is getting too expensive to keep on the road, and with only garbage aftermarket parts to replace with it means replacing some of these parts even more often.
I guess you guys haven't gotten the memo yet.....
" The LS is like a Hot Spoiled Woman as hell to have around but if neglected she will screw you over " ...the only thing I can add is that now the accessories this car requires to behave herself are going bye bye she can be a down right brat lol...anyway...if you decide to keep it ....I've learned a shop manual and patience comes in very handy
I find it kinda ironic that my neighbor probably likes my car more than I do. Granted, if my car wasn't Boring, Blend-Into-Traffic White then I might be more happy to put up with it's nonsense. Also, I wish it was a sport model. Only time I can do a proper burnout is when the road is wet, and she'll do a rolling burnout all the way to 60mph (in Mexico, of course).
One suggestion for a bad situation is to let them find a used booster and then offer to pay the difference to purchase a rebuilt unit. How much is a rebuilt booster and are they available at all?

As joegr said you might be stuck getting a used one. Any chance if fixing the wiring/broken plug? I worry that the used one might have a problem or even more common get damaged when pulled from the parts car. You KNOW yours is good except for the broken plug.
I don't think that the plug is really fixable, due to the way the whole thing is made. I also suspect that in this case "rebuilt" only really means that it has been cleaned and probably repainted. I don't think they can really pull them apart and replace seals or the diaphragm (of course, I could be wrong on this).
FWIW... this came up through a Google search

Not afilliated... and did not search for an LS or S-Type booster... but this could be good leverage against the shop that FUBAR'd your original one.

Don't forget the booster has to be calibrated too... and I don't know that I would trust the same shop to do it.

At this point... they owe YOU $$$.
Yeah I've been having bad luck with shops lately too, I'm at the point now where if they don't let me stand there and watch them I go to the next one. I try and do most things myself but sometimes you just can't. Got lucky and found a decent shop in Vegas, they'll let me use their tools and stuff, mechanic isn't the best, he forgets to tighten things back up sometimes but if i tell him the proper methods and watch and catch those things he does good work. Very nice guys. I wouldn't know proper method either without this forum though, there are a few different things in this car than I'm used to, ha
Brake Booster: The Saga Continues ™️

Got it back into the same shop yesterday. They had ordered two replacement brake boosters. One was used, and the other was "new" (remanufactured). They replaced mine with the used one first (why not try "new"?), and couldn't get it to calibrate. Then they looked to try the "new" one and realized that the solenoid connector on it was also broken. Go figure.

They ended up putting my old brake booster back in and calibrating everything again (guessing the attempt to calibrate with the used one reset calibration that used to be there for mine?). They said they "epoxied my connector back together". Not quite sure how they did that, given the shape it was in.

There wasn't really anything else I could do here, besides take it to another shop and pay them to roll the dice with junk remanufactured that may or may not have worked.

Oh, and the mechanic that broke it came out and talked to me. The one who yelled at me when I asked them last week to just look at it again. I could tell he looked sorry from his eyes and body language, but what he said to me was "I didn't have any idea that connector was down there. Big learning curve on this." After the connector was broken, it was jammed back in the socket. So I don't believe for a minute he didn't know what he did. But that's as close to an apology as I'm going to get.

In the end, they made it as close to right as one can get these days I guess. So I'll just keep driving it and hope for the best.

Without drama, life would be too boring.
Wow....I don't even know what to say....I guess I can say I hope you find a better shop soon...I have three really good Mechanics at my disposal...I will consider myself blessed ...but I mostly work on everything myself unless it needs a lift

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