Ahmadinejad to visit Ground Zero?

Passion is a greater force than intellect.
Hatred is more easily nourished than friendship.
It is part of the human psyche.
The Palastinians weren't even considered a "people"
until about 1961.
To the countries of the middle east the "Palastinians"
are just the arabs who happenned to be there at the time of the creation of the state of Isreal in 1947.
Isreal had to fight it's first war without the help of western powers and as such did not have the strength to run these people off the territory into the neighboring countries.
Historically this is how things are done....run the enemy off and assimilate or kill those who won't go.
Ask the indians.
The Palastinians are a convenient prop who will easily
be discarded by radical islamists for the better good of their cause if that is what it takes to win.
Isreal is historically keenly aware of the fragility of the friendship of nations to them and even though we are their ally for now they don't take it for granted and will do what's in their best interest regardless of us.
Pollard passed state secrets to Isreal and is still sitting in jail for it.
The Jews are better at using our own military equipment than we are and will evade our surveillance of them if nessesary and/or at least provide a layer of plausible deniability to their actions.
To them this is everything.
If contemporary Israeli history is of interest to you may I recommend to EXCELLENT pieces of reading (in no particular order):
"My Life" an autobiography by Golda Meir
and "Cast a Giant Shadow" a biography by Ted Berkman

Personally, I didn't see the movie (starred Kirk Douglas as Mickey Marcus).

Naturally, "Exodus" by Leon Uris, while a historical novel, also spells out some of the challenges that faced Israel in its founding.

These first two books are wonderful pieces which serve to educate on the foundation of the state as well as how and from where help did come. In the early days it was mostly clandestine, Jewish help but the U.S. did step in (after establishment of the state) with loans for arms etc (thank goodness 'cause no other country cared enough to do the right thing).

I think "Exodus" helps to fill holes in the fascinating information delivered in the other two books and covers several areas untouched by the other two books (and, no, I don't think they are all that's been written on the subject).

A careful read will explain why Israel simply can NOT return all pre-'67 lands. It is, at best, obtuse to think otherwise. (Pardon me but I just can't understand Carter's inability to see the danger in his own words!)

Iran leader condemned by university host
Ahmadinejad calls remarks at Columbia 'an insult,' addresses Holocaust

NEW YORK - As hundreds protested outside, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the stage at Columbia University on Monday after a blistering introduction from the school's president, who said the hard-line leader was a dictator with preposterous beliefs.

Ahmadinejad smiled as Columbia President Lee Bollinger took him to task over Iran's human-rights record and foreign policy, as well as Ahmadinejad's statements denying the Holocaust and calling for the disappearance of Israel.

"Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator," Bollinger said, to loud applause.

He said Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust might fool the illiterate and ignorant. "When you come to a place like this it makes you simply ridiculous," Bollinger said. "The truth is that the Holocaust is the most documented event in human history."

“You are either brazenly provocative or astonishingly uneducated,” Bollinger told Ahmadinejad about the leader’s Holocaust denial. “Will you cease this outrage?”

Bollinger, who had been criticized for allowing Ahmadinejad to speak, also described him as having a "fanatical mindset" for making statements like wanting Israel to be “wiped off the map.”

"Do you plan on wiping us off the map too?" Bollinger asked.

Bollinger also raised questions of academic freedom in Iran and asked, "Can you tell them and us why Iran is fighting a proxy war in Iraq?"

Stating his "revulsion at all you stand for" as Ahmadinejad sat nearby, Bollinger concluded by saying that "I doubt that you will have the intellectual courage to answer these questions — but your avoidance will be meaningful to us."

Bollinger ended his remarks to strong applause from the audience.

(More at link)
The Great Game continues....
After the collapse of the Soviet Union many pundits were opining about the end of history with the ascention on US hegemony as the only remaining superpower in the world.
However as recent history has shown military might has it's limits.
Ideas are stronger than things and are much harder to destroy.
I don't think the Bush Administration has played a particularly good hand since 9/11 but they have been successful in keeping another terrorist attack from succeeding on american soil.
And pulling out now would certainly be worse than staying the course because of what's been created there.
Some ruthless types might even say the war is a bargain compared to US casualties in Vietnam and the stakes are much higher.
9/11 was an incredibally lucky and spectacular strike by our enemies which has perhaps given them a stature greater than they deserve.
Most people can't remember what happened last monday but no one will forget the towers coming down.
There is no such thing as bad publicity.
Madonna used to say "I don't care what you say about me, as long as you're talking about me" and Amadinejed probably agrees.
As the old Chinese curse goes.
May you live in interesting times...
Darwin said the company of clever men is more satisfying than that of good woman.

IRI President addresses students at Colombia University

New York, Sept 25, IRNA
Ahmadinejad-Colombia Varsity-Address

Despite entire US media objections, negative propagation and hue and cry in recent days over IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's scheduled address at Colombia University, he gave his lecture and answered students questions here on Monday afternoon.

On second day of his entry in New York, and amid standing ovation of the audience that had attended the hall where the Iranian President was to give his lecture as of early hours of the day, Ahmadinejad said that Iran is not going to attack any country in the world.

Before President Ahamadinejad's address, Colombia University Chancellor in a brief address told the audience that they would have the chance to hear Iran's stands as the Iranian President would put them forth.

He said that the Iranians are a peace loving nation, they hate war, and all types of aggression.

Referring to the technological achievements of the Iranian nation in the course of recent years, the president considered them as a sign for the Iranians' resolute will for achieving sustainable development and rapid advancement.

The audience on repeated occasion applauded Ahmadinejad when he touched on international crises.

At the end of his address President Ahmadinejad answered the students' questions on such issues as Israel, Palestine, Iran's nuclear program, the status of women in Iran and a number of other matters.

Wow what a bunch of propagandist pap. Of course the article omitted the scathing introduction, and especially the derisive laughter when Imadinnerjacket claimed there are no gays in Iran. He was rather nonplussed when they laughed scornfully at him, not once, but twice.
That article is from the Islamic Republic News Agency in Iran.

And in case anyone was wondering what the FIRST sentence he spoke was:
"Oh, God, hasten the arrival of Imam al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those to attest to his rightfulness." That's what he opened with... horrifying.
can you say nuts


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