Air ride problems


New LVC Member
Apr 23, 2011
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Hi all,

Based in Holland I need some advice on my air ride system.

Yesterday the check air ride sign came on. Now that is not good of course. My car is now raised like a bigfoot at the back side and the compressor wont vent anymore. During the night nothing happened with the airbags, so I went to work with the car after I switched of the air ride system. This all went ok.

But at the end of the day my battery was death. I jump started the car to get home and this was ok, but now when my car is off the compressor keeps on running (with the switch turned off) and draining my battery again.

2 questions: why is my car high and does not vent it anymore and what can cause the compressor to run until my battery is death?

Best regards,

bad ride height sensor, disconnected sensor, or bad vent solenoid. The vent solenoid is part of the compressor. If it is bad you need to replace the whole compressor. You could possibly disassemble it and unstick but it is a long shot. I once replaced a bad vent solenoid with one from a bad compressor.
unhooked ride height sensor in the rear usually slams the back.
unhooked front raises it sky high.
running for how long?

Thanks for all the replies. The compressor keeps on running until the battery is death. That is why I don't know what to do, because I have read a lot about the airride, but I have seen nothing about the compressor that keeps running until the battery is gone.

The rest of the symptoms looks like the solenoid is gone, so I need to check this also.


try swapping the air suspension relay and the abs relay, the air relay is on the compressor bracket and the abs is on the drivers side under the headlight, sounds like its sticking on

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