Air Suspension question after 60MPH highway dirt hill jump...


New LVC Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Prov., RI
To make a long story short I was driving this morning around 6am on the high speed lane with my cruise set at 70MPH, I see a car coming very fast switch from an on-ramp to the slow lane to the high speed lane and right to my rear left door just swerving everywhere I overact and instead of letting him hit me I went into the center of the highway which is all grass/bushes and I just mashed onto the brakes(thank you ABS). With my luck it so happened to be while I was trying to keep it straight on the grass instead of spinning out of control while doing that in a few seconds I had gotten down to 50-40MPH but right in front of me was one of those official use only small U-turn roads that cops use to shoot radar or switch sides of the highway quickly will from my POV down in the grassy area that small road is raised and went straight up the dirt hill doing about 50MPH so i definitely got some air once I landed on the other side my whole car bottomed out.

My damage was a flat front left tire, I'm guessing popped/ripped left rear air spring or definitely some sort of damage to the suspension on that side, left fender moving back on its adjustments, dented front bumper cover and broken corner clip which holds it to the fender and dirt/grassed packed hole all under my '98 TC.

I'm lucky I work in the automotive industry because all of these fixes have to come out of my pocket because I can't claim this as a hit and run because there was no contact on the highway and no state troopers showed up while I fixed my flat and reset my fuel pump cut-off switch. The Michelin Symmetry 225/60/16 I popped my buddy at a tire shop has a whole week old set because the customer decided he wanted them later with white walls so I'll get those for $110 installed/balanced/aligned. I called another friend who happens to work at a Lincoln dealership and he ordered me the Air Spring for $100, on the body damage my cousin owns a body shop so thats covered.

My main concern now is did I jump to conclusion guessing that the cause of the rear left sag is from a ripped air spring? My only reason for believing this is I have NO check "Air Suspension" light on and my compressor keeps running trying to fill my lower side up while my right side fills up just right. Should I be looking at any other causes considering the situation the car was involved in earlier today or is the air spring the only thing it can be?

Pics of the damage on my '98 TC:








Was a deal at $5500 with 68K on it for a 1998 TC Exec with denim blue leather, some of the money I saved buying it cheap now has to get used to fix it what a shame.
I don't know about the damage to the air suspension, but I would have claimed it under insurance anyway. Did you get the license plate by any chance (I doubt it, but I thought I would ask)?

Man, I would be pissed! I am glad that you were not hurt, you are lucky! I'd still be pissed!
Trust me I was beyond pissed especially because I couldn't even get a partial on the plate but after talking it through an insurance agent that my mother knew for many years the only true claim that won't affect your insurance rates is a hit and run and vandalism which neither of those would explain the damage that was caused to my TC.

After I replace the air spring and have the matching front tire mounted and a car wash she should look alright except for the front bumper cover and alignment of the fender which I hope can all be done by this friday if the body shop isnt too busy. Plus my deductible is $500 this should all run me in total about $650 so the insurance company would probaly only be covering a small percentage of the $500 I would need to pay them regardless.

Any chance anyone could narrow down my air suspension problem on the rear drivers side? Because while I am under the car this week i'd like to replace what I know would fix my sagging problem not just take a guess.
That car has taken a VERY hard hit. You have a lot of work in front of you to get everything back in alignment. As to the air ride, I would check every single line on the car and see if you pulled one loose from a fitting or broke or smashed one. I would think by looking at things that it's more likely you damaged a line or fitting.
Check the airlines, especially where the line splits as well as the connection to the individual airbag... They may not be fully connected...
Also check the level sensor itself maybe its loose or off as well.
Ok after having the air suspension off for a few days I went to go under my TC to see what my damage was and I couldnt find any other than packed in grass/dirt in every little hole I found nothing wrong.

I turned the air suspension back on and the bag filled up just fine even had people sit on the rear end of the trunk and filled up higher and lowered itself when people got off now. My only problem now is my high impact side which was my driver side, now the rear sits about a 1/2" lower than the passenger side rear while the two fronts match up just fine on a level surface. I read up and my '98 only has one height sensor on the rear-end itself what part could I have bent to cause this 1/2" difference in the rear, I know there aren't leaks cause I let the compressor run while spraying water/soap mix with no bubbles at all coming back out.

Is there a certain way the one height sensor could make the rear tilt more one way?
Mine did the same thing after I replaced my 2nd air bag. Give it a week or so and it will level out. Mine did.

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