Air Suspension Switch


LVC Member
Nov 14, 2006
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What will happen if I turn the Air Suspension switch off?

Probably nothing right away, but if you leave it off long enough the rear end will go down. Damn your TC looks like mine with different wheels.
yea, I hate that purple Tint, I am going to find out how huch it costs to remove, and put black tint on.....thx
IF there are no leaks in the bags, the rear end won't even sag for a couple of weeks, maybe more...

You can get the tint off yourself... Get a bottle of windex, black plastic trashbags, and paper towels. dDuring the hottest part of the day, you will need the sun, spray the windex on the glass, place the plastic over the glass and let it sit for an hour to cook... Than simply pull the tint off the glass. Th hotter the day, the less time you will need to wait... The windex dissolves the adhesive in the tint when it is heated., thus allowing the tint to come off easily.
If you must remove tint,
Straight ammonia usually cuts the glue. There's some of it in Windex, but you can buy straight ammonia real cheap by the bottle. It stinks, but it works.

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