All 6 States vote to raise minimum wage


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 9, 2004
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NE Indiana
FYI: All 6 states that had minimum wage increases on their ballots voted YES to increase their state's minimum wage:

AZ - 66%
CO - 53%
MO - 76%
MT - 73%
NV - 69%
OH - 56%
Show Me the MOney!!!! Yes it would be good for lower income individuals. More money in their pocket to spend. Good for the ecomomy.
I also agree with higher minimum wage. I don’t believe an increase in the minimum wage will have the deleterious affects that many claim, particularly if the economy is strong. However, should an increase have a substantial negative affect on the economy or hiring, I would not rule out a proportional drop in taxes to offset the increase. At least a plan should be considered to deal with potential problems.
I'm so proud of you, Johnny. You finally got a raise after all these years. Now you can pay off that loan on your Gameboy.
bad for the economy and bad for the low income people as well. Sorry but it is true. From a business prosepective I have 2 choices. My labor costs just went up so I either..

A. Lay off employees to offset the rise is labor costs.
B. Raise prices to offset the rise in labor costs.
C. Dont give raises to those currently making just over minimum wage, thus creating more people on minimum wage.

All bad things. Too bad people never think things thru.
biglou71 said:
bad for the economy and bad for the low income people as well. Sorry but it is true. From a business prosepective I have 2 choices. My labor costs just went up so I either..

A. Lay off employees to offset the rise is labor costs.
B. Raise prices to offset the rise in labor costs.
C. Dont give raises to those currently making just over minimum wage, thus creating more people on minimum wage.

All bad things. Too bad people never think things thru.

Just for fun, let's examine the implications of each of your points.

A. Promotes outsourcing and unemployment, both of which the Democrats claim to abhor.
B. Promotes inflation and increases the cost of living overall, both of which the Democrats claim to abhor. Also hurts the little guy, because all costs of all businesses affected would raise their prices. Acts as a tax increase.
C. Promotes socialism, which the Democrats secretly love.

I can't believe these Democrats. They must really hate the little guy. Why not raise the minimum wage to $30/hr if it's such a good thing? After all, these entry-level jobs are supposed to be a "living" wage, right?
biglou71 said:
bad for the economy and bad for the low income people as well. Sorry but it is true. From a business prosepective I have 2 choices. My labor costs just went up so I either..

A. Lay off employees to offset the rise is labor costs.
B. Raise prices to offset the rise in labor costs.
C. Dont give raises to those currently making just over minimum wage, thus creating more people on minimum wage.

All bad things. Too bad people never think things thru.

You forgot "Hire illegal workers and pay them $4 an hour and pay no matching taxes". Happens quite a lot around here, you cant go into a restaurant kitchen here that is not entirely staffed by underpaid illegals.
fossten said:
I'm so proud of you, Johnny. You finally got a raise after all these years. Now you can pay off that loan on your Gameboy.

It is a very entertaining issue whether Republicans will show more class on the Internet after losing an election than Democrats showed after Bush won the election in 2000. So far you are a serious disappointment.
Vitas said:
It is a very entertaining issue whether Republicans will show more class on the Internet after losing an election than Democrats showed after Bush won the election in 2000. So far you are a serious disappointment.
You have to admit fossten does come up with good ones. 95DevilleNS comes up with some pretty good jabs too. :D
fossten said:
I'm so proud of you, Johnny. You finally got a raise after all these years. Now you can pay off that loan on your Gameboy.
Although you bitch about it, you still let off with the personal attacks. Shame shame.
fossten said:
Just for fun, let's examine the implications of each of your points.

A. Promotes outsourcing and unemployment, both of which the Democrats claim to abhor.
B. Promotes inflation and increases the cost of living overall, both of which the Democrats claim to abhor. Also hurts the little guy, because all costs of all businesses affected would raise their prices. Acts as a tax increase.
C. Promotes socialism, which the Democrats secretly love.

I can't believe these Democrats. They must really hate the little guy. Why not raise the minimum wage to $30/hr if it's such a good thing? After all, these entry-level jobs are supposed to be a "living" wage, right?
PROOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
biglou71 said:
bad for the economy and bad for the low income people as well. Sorry but it is true. From a business prosepective I have 2 choices. My labor costs just went up so I either..

A. Lay off employees to offset the rise is labor costs.
B. Raise prices to offset the rise in labor costs.
C. Dont give raises to those currently making just over minimum wage, thus creating more people on minimum wage.

All bad things. Too bad people never think things thru.

Or D: Share some of that increased PROFITS that your greedy ass buisness has been "handed by BuSh's tax cuts".

It never ceases to amaze me, Repugs NEVER think about sharing some of their good fortune with those less fortunate. They always want to pass the buck onto someone else and hoard all their good fortune to themselves.
fossten said:
I'm so proud of you, Johnny. You finally got a raise after all these years. Now you can pay off that loan on your Gameboy.


I don't live in one of those states. :p
JohnnyBz00LS said:

Sorry to hear that Johnny. I guess you'll have to keep earning $5.15 an hour.

pepperman said:
PROOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a matter of fact, I CAN prove it. My company just outsourced several dozen jobs to India because we can't afford to pay workers here. That was the only choice left to it because raising prices was not an option. Fortunately my job is safe because I'm one of the best producers in the company.

I'll use an example that hits everybody close to home. Who has min wage jobs? McDonald's? So if every single worker working for McD's now is going to make more per hour, the company is in danger of losing profits. Do you really think that the franchise owner is going to let his income go down the tubes? Not hardly. He'll either raise prices or sell out.

If he sells out, the minimum wage has succeeded in driving somebody out of business. That's real nice, isn't it? And it's GREAT for those workers who used to work there. Now they have to find new jobs. Guess what? Everybody's selling out! So now they can't find work anywhere because they have no skills to earn a higher wage.

Let's say he raises prices instead. Now a Big Mac costs 50 cents more than it did. Who's paying that increase? YOU ARE. That is known as a phantom tax.

Either way, the min wage increase is bad for business and the economy.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Or D: Share some of that increased PROFITS that your greedy ass buisness has been "handed by BuSh's tax cuts".

It never ceases to amaze me, Repugs NEVER think about sharing some of their good fortune with those less fortunate. They always want to pass the buck onto someone else and hoard all their good fortune to themselves.

I've heard less hateful rhetoric from communists. Did you even take economics in high school? Or did you fail it? I guess the only people who own businesses and are greedy must be Republicans. Zero Democrats own businesses? LOL I could name hundreds of them for you.

You might think about getting your knowledge from a site other than
rmac694203 said:
Although you bitch about it, you still let off with the personal attacks. Shame shame.

You are full of it. Don't rebuke me and say nothing to your libbie friends about their insults. Either be consistent in your reprimanding or STFU.
biglou71 said:
bad for the economy and bad for the low income people as well. Sorry but it is true. From a business prosepective I have 2 choices. My labor costs just went up so I either..

A. Lay off employees to offset the rise is labor costs.
B. Raise prices to offset the rise in labor costs.
C. Dont give raises to those currently making just over minimum wage, thus creating more people on minimum wage.

All bad things. Too bad people never think things thru.

How about not giving yourself a raise and help out those who have been lining your pockets and keeping you in the money......

So you take a little less of the cut is it going to put you in poverty..

If some of our larger retailers and manufactures CEO's would say hey I'll take a little less this year and share my good fortune with those who keep me living well... Just maybe maybe.....
mespock said:
How about not giving yourself a raise and help out those who have been lining your pockets and keeping you in the money......

So you take a little less of the cut is it going to put you in poverty..

If some of our larger retailers and manufactures CEO's would say hey I'll take a little less this year and share my good fortune with those who keep me living well... Just maybe maybe.....

Who the hell are you, Mespock? Who the hell are YOU to tell somebody to take a pay cut just so somebody can be GIVEN some more money? You know what that is? That's socialism. I've got a good idea, Mr. Elitist: Why don't YOU give up some of your pay and GIVE it to the needy, instead of DEMANDING that others do so? Why don't you worry about yourself instead of preaching your hypocritical views to other people?

While you're telling people what to do with their money, why don't you lecture Johnny about driving a $45,000 Lincoln LS? Why don't you tell him he should sell it and give the money to the poor? After all, how dare he drive around in an expensive car while people are driving beaters making minimum wage? Is it going to put you in poverty to sell your Mark and drive a beater as well? Hmmm?

See, you Democrats are nothing but first-class hypocrites. You will harp all day long about how greedy and selfish the Republicans are, and demand that everybody else's money is given to "those less fortunate," but if it comes to your own personal fortune, why, that's unacceptable.
LOL - Are you kidding me? MeSpock is anything but elitist. Rich is a working stiff who dedicates his time teaching children for alot less pay then he deserves.

You need to dial it back fossten. Your insults are inappropriate and beginning to get on my nerves.
Joeychgo said:
LOL - Are you kidding me? MeSpock is anything but elitist. Rich is a working stiff who dedicates his time teaching children for alot less pay then he deserves.

You need to dial it back fossten. Your insults are inappropriate and beginning to get on my nerves.

Oh, please, Joey. You so blithely ignore Johnny's blatant insult to Biglou?

Or D: Share some of that increased PROFITS that your greedy ass buisness has been "handed by BuSh's tax cuts".

It never ceases to amaze me, Repugs NEVER think about sharing some of their good fortune with those less fortunate. They always want to pass the buck onto someone else and hoard all their good fortune to themselves.

Let me get this straight: Johnny can accuse somebody on this forum of having a "GREEDY ASS BUSINESS", but I can't poke fun at him? Yeah, that's real fair, Mr. Moderator.

This place is rank with hypocrisy right now.

Yeah - but your spewing insults at every turn. Get a grip man. Your over the top. I know your upset that the Dems won congress, but its ok.....Canada has openings for new residents... :)
Joeychgo said:
Yeah - but your spewing insults at every turn. Get a grip man. Your over the top. I know your upset that the Dems won congress, but its ok.....Canada has openings for new residents... :) Moderator, it's your job to make sure everything is fair on the board. You are not, however, qualified to diagnose me. You are definitely not objective here, and that means that YOU are over the top for attempting to censor me. If you don't like something I say, you are perfectly free to edit it. But if you do that and you don't edit the absolute BILE that Johnny spews, then you're nothing but a partisan hypocrite.

You're exaggerating what I'm doing while minimizing what your little buddy liberals are doing. You want to ban me - go ahead. But I'm not going to allow myself to be scolded by you just because you've got some sort of hard-on for me. You tell the haters (and you KNOW who they are) who are name-calling and bashing to knock it off, and maybe I'll listen. I'm not doing anything worse than they are, and you know it.

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