Dedicated LVC Member
On September 11th, 2001.
Does ANYONE here understand that?
Does ANYONE here understand that?
Frogman said:Look,
I've served this country pulling off missions that won't ever be declassified. Even now, retired, I am ready to die for this country its people and its way of life. I am also ready to die IN THE NAME of The United States of America. I've made my peace with my Gods a long time ago. Have you? Will you take up an MP-5 against a foreign invader? Yes? Good. Then we can agree on one subject. Will you take up an MP-5 if your government starts to opress you?
You sir say I am at war with the country's sovereignity. I beg to differ. I just do not agree with the deceptions and cover-ups our political leaders (and more, our current administration) are/is engaged in.
Why is it that when someone supports our troops overseas, but does not support/agree with the WAR itself or with how and what the government is doing, people such as yourself start with the hotlinks, and with the condemnations? I don't have to be part of a muslim/terrorist organization, just because I disagree with the current adminisration's choices and dog wagging. That's the beauty of a Democracy. It's people have the right to criticize their government. You are free to say as you wish... Though, soon, you may be free to say as "they" tell you.
This is where people such as yourself are not very well informed, and follow others, like a lemming. Why don't you get off the mainstream media, and see what you can come up with?
Here is a nice start:
On the oil:
If the tree huggers in these here United States would stop being such extremists, we could easily drill in the Alaska Wildlife reserve. According to most oil/gas geologists, we have more oil reserves up there than the whole middle east combined.
eL eS said:I will fight those that seek to usurp and destroy my constitution.
Frogman said:I just do not agree with the deceptions and cover-ups our political leaders (and more, our current administration) are/is engaged in.
MonsterMark said:Who woried about an MP5. I am worried about this. This is what we are trying to stop. WMD. That is what this is all about.
Frogman said:Look,
I've served this country pulling off missions that won't ever be declassified. Even now, retired, I am ready to die for this country its people and its way of life. I am also ready to die IN THE NAME of The United States of America. I've made my peace with my Gods a long time ago. Have you? Will you take up an MP-5 against a foreign invader? Yes? Good. Then we can agree on one subject. Will you take up an MP-5 if your government starts to opress you?
You sir say I am at war with the country's sovereignity. I beg to differ. I just do not agree with the deceptions and cover-ups our political leaders (and more, our current administration) are/is engaged in.
Why is it that when someone supports our troops overseas, but does not support/agree with the WAR itself or with how and what the government is doing, people such as yourself start with the hotlinks, and with the condemnations? I don't have to be part of a muslim/terrorist organization, just because I disagree with the current adminisration's choices and dog wagging. That's the beauty of a Democracy. It's people have the right to criticize their government. You are free to say as you wish... Though, soon, you may be free to say as "they" tell you.
This is where people such as yourself are not very well informed, and follow others, like a lemming. Why don't you get off the mainstream media, and see what you can come up with?
Here is a nice start:
On the oil:
If the tree huggers in these here United States would stop being such extremists, we could easily drill in the Alaska Wildlife reserve. According to most oil/gas geologists, we have more oil reserves up there than the whole middle east combined.
JohnnyBz00LS said:PREACH IT brother Frogman!! And :W !!
I'll get back to some of eL eS's ignorant, uninformed, presumption-filled comments (on this and other threads) when I have more time, but probably not today.
JohnnyBz00LS said:PREACH IT brother Frogman!! And :W !!
I'll get back to some of eL eS's ignorant, uninformed, presumption-filled comments (on this and other threads) when I have more time, but probably not today.
Frogman said:On the oil:
If the tree huggers in these here United States would stop being such extremists, we could easily drill in the Alaska Wildlife reserve. According to most oil/gas geologists, we have more oil reserves up there than the whole middle east combined.
MonsterMark said:I am not worried about guys that run around with one of these. I am worried about guys that run around with this. This is what we are trying to stop. WMD. That is what this is all about.
You must mean the ones in Syria, Jordan and Iran, not including the ones trucked out by the Ruskies and the ones buried in the sand. People seem to forget. Saddam thought up until the last hours of the invasion that we would blink. He was told by our supposed friends (Germans and Frenchies) that he would survive intact. So the fact he may have donated these weapons and buried some for later is not too far a stretch. Now I will say that alot of his weapons development programs may have been internally artificially inflated by Iraqi scientists to save their own skin. If they couldn't show progress, themselves or a family member were usually snuffed out by Saddam as a penalty.Frogman said:.. WMD's are a much bigger threat.
Especially the ones in Iraq.![]()
eL eS said:whattime is Air America on or whatever that socialist radio flap is called... Just wondering as I am certain to hear your retorts either shortly after it comes on or has ended its daily disinformation campaign.
fossten said:Speaking of Air America, check out my new thread in this forum.
MonsterMark said:You must mean the ones in Syria, Jordan and Iran, not including the ones trucked out by the Ruskies and the ones buried in the sand. People seem to forget. Saddam thought up until the last hours of the invasion that we would blink. He was told by our supposed friends (Germans and Frenchies) that he would survive intact. So the fact he may have donated these weapons and buried some for later is not too far a stretch. Now I will say that alot of his weapons development programs may have been internally artificially inflated by Iraqi scientists to save their own skin. If they couldn't show progress, themselves or a family member were usually snuffed out by Saddam as a penalty.
Marine said:The Nation lost 20 heros this week. How bout instead of bickering, you go to the Recruiters office, or to any Marine (retired Marines are still active duty, just disguised as civilians, conducting Recon) and offer a few words of condolence, and support. Fly a flag, write a letter to someone in the military, or even join up (again in some cases).
Support from family and friends really does mean alot. Have a good day, hopefully it's not 116 degrees where you are....
Marine said:The Nation lost 20 heros this week. How bout instead of bickering, you go to the Recruiters office, or to any Marine (retired Marines are still active duty, just disguised as civilians, conducting Recon) and offer a few words of condolence, and support. Fly a flag, write a letter to someone in the military, or even join up (again in some cases).
Support from family and friends really does mean alot. Have a good day, hopefully it's not 116 degrees where you are....
Frogman said:Look,
I've served this country pulling off missions that won't ever be declassified. Even now, retired, I am ready to die for this country its people and its way of life. I am also ready to die IN THE NAME of The United States of America. I've made my peace with my Gods a long time ago. Have you? Will you take up an MP-5 against a foreign invader? Yes? Good. Then we can agree on one subject. Will you take up an MP-5 if your government starts to opress you?
You sir say I am at war with the country's sovereignity. I beg to differ. I just do not agree with the deceptions and cover-ups our political leaders (and more, our current administration) are/is engaged in.
Why is it that when someone supports our troops overseas, but does not support/agree with the WAR itself or with how and what the government is doing, people such as yourself start with the hotlinks, and with the condemnations? I don't have to be part of a muslim/terrorist organization, just because I disagree with the current adminisration's choices and dog wagging. That's the beauty of a Democracy. It's people have the right to criticize their government. You are free to say as you wish... Though, soon, you may be free to say as "they" tell you.
This is where people such as yourself are not very well informed, and follow others, like a lemming. Why don't you get off the mainstream media, and see what you can come up with?
Here is a nice start:
On the oil:
If the tree huggers in these here United States would stop being such extremists, we could easily drill in the Alaska Wildlife reserve. According to most oil/gas geologists, we have more oil reserves up there than the whole middle east combined.
Are you another conspiracy theorist? One that'll believe all the far-fetched lies of the extreme left? I've done my homework and sifted through most of the facts and accusations. I sleep well at night knowing our leadership is doing the best they can to keep us safe and free here at home. I salute all those who have fought for our cause. I shake my head in disbelief at those who so quickly abandon common sense and chase after every false rumor and twisted he-said she-said accusation. We cannot avoid every confrontation. And sometimes the best way to lessen the damage is to strike first. This is basic. I'm really sorry if that is too hard to comprehend. It's happened countless times in history. It happens when cops go after criminals. I grieve for those that have fallen. But I firmly believe that they have saved countless lives by their sacrifice. And I'll say it again: If we abandon the Middle East now or in the future, someone else will control that oil supply and use that power against us eventually. We have no choice but to be a part of what's going on there.Frogman said:This is where people such as yourself are not very well informed, and follow others, like a lemming. Why don't you get off the mainstream media, and see what you can come up with?
Frogman said:Yes. Question is, WHO declared War on the US?
The Taliban, or our own Government?
I really wish people would fold their ears the right way.......
Vitas said:Make your point.