An Act of WAR was declared on the US

Yeah, THIS is the guy they've got out front proclaiming their agenda. Real winner, huh?
Damn... Let's start with the personal attacks why dont we?

Look, call me what you wish. I don't really give a hoot. I know what I know, and you know what you know. I'll just leave it at that. I'm not about to get into an argument over the internet.

Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, yo're still a retard.
Frogman said:

I've served this country pulling off missions that won't ever be declassified. Even now, retired, I am ready to die for this country its people and its way of life. I am also ready to die IN THE NAME of The United States of America. I've made my peace with my Gods a long time ago. Have you? Will you take up an MP-5 against a foreign invader? Yes? Good. Then we can agree on one subject. Will you take up an MP-5 if your government starts to opress you?

You sir say I am at war with the country's sovereignity. I beg to differ. I just do not agree with the deceptions and cover-ups our political leaders (and more, our current administration) are/is engaged in.

Why is it that when someone supports our troops overseas, but does not support/agree with the WAR itself or with how and what the government is doing, people such as yourself start with the hotlinks, and with the condemnations? I don't have to be part of a muslim/terrorist organization, just because I disagree with the current adminisration's choices and dog wagging. That's the beauty of a Democracy. It's people have the right to criticize their government. You are free to say as you wish... Though, soon, you may be free to say as "they" tell you.

This is where people such as yourself are not very well informed, and follow others, like a lemming. Why don't you get off the mainstream media, and see what you can come up with?
Here is a nice start:

On the oil:
If the tree huggers in these here United States would stop being such extremists, we could easily drill in the Alaska Wildlife reserve. According to most oil/gas geologists, we have more oil reserves up there than the whole middle east combined.

We will have to examine this further.

Just remember that Bush doesn't want this to be know as an "act of war" because if it was, he'd have to follow the Geneva conventions for treatment of prisoners of war (and not "terror suspects" as they are known). They wouldn't be able to hold them indefinitely . They wouldn't be able to "coerce" answers from them either. And the Congress wouldn't have much grounds for shoving the Patriot Act down your throats either if this was a mere "act of war". Nope...Bush definitely doesn't want this know as an act of war..
so you want to give non-uniformed terrorist geneva convention rights. Look these guys are already getting better treatment than any of our POWs ever received.

Further, the ongoing war was approved by the us congress... the president canot declare war unilatterally.

Tell your terrorist friends to start wearing uniforms and we migt onsider granting them the rights of UNIFORMED COMBATANTS.
Frogman said:
Damn... Let's start with the personal attacks why dont we?
There are ways to deal with those that make personal attacks. Don't duck out because of the tone of the debate. You can steer the tone of the debate to your advantage with research and well thought out replies. You guys on the left are giving up too easily. A lot of the guys on the right are giving you great fodder, but you're ignoring it. Don't expect any help from me, though.
Frogman said:
Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, yo're still a retard.
HEY!! I resemble that remark!

(no offense to those that are truly handicapped in any way :Beer )
Frogman said:
Damn... Let's start with the personal attacks why dont we?

Look, call me what you wish. I don't really give a hoot. I know what I know, and you know what you know. I'll just leave it at that. I'm not about to get into an argument over the internet.

Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, yo're still a retard.

1. I hope you don't think I was referring to you. I meant that comment about Al Franken being the guy out front proclaiming the agenda. The timing of my post was such that several other posts jumped in b/f mine.

2. "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so."

- Ronald Reagan
fossten said:
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so."

- Ronald Reagan

I have been looking for a reason to use this and if there ever was a moment it was when he made this quote. Since they didn't have smileys then...

This one is for the Gipper!
Frogman said:

Well now there is a pretty hate-filled site. Not one solution on the site to any problem. Just get the bastard Bush and get out of Iraq.

I guess it is going to take a couple more terrorist attacks on OUR soil to get it thru people's thick skulls. This is a world war, pitting Islamic fascism against the rest of the free world. With all the WMD's floating around, the party is almost over. I can feel the panic now.

Frogman, btw, thanks for your service to this country.

Let me ask you a question.

Did Bush attack Saddam because Saddam was in violation of 15+ United Nation's resolutions and because of the intel he was provided by both United States and other Countries around the world, including France and Germany, or did he attack Saddam to fatten the wallets of his buddies and revenge his father's failure?

Just interested to see where you really stand!
Frogman said:
Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, yo're still a retard.
Sensitivity training classes start in the fall semester.

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